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"Heil... Putin?" Topic

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian16 Mar 2023 2:18 p.m. PST

A school in central Russia has been filmed instructing its pupils to perform a raised right arm and clenched fist gesture that some have likened to a Nazi salute, independent student news outlet DOXA reported…

Moscow Times: link

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP16 Mar 2023 3:03 p.m. PST

Not surprising. I'm sure Adolph is his role model.

Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP16 Mar 2023 7:28 p.m. PST

Where can one see such a video?

Druzhina16 Mar 2023 7:48 p.m. PST

The page can be found by searching for "A school in central Russia has been filmed instructing its pupils to perform a raised right arm and clenched fist gesture that some have likened to a Nazi salute, independent student news outlet DOXA reported". Somehow the page url displayed would lead to a different story.

Russian Students Taught Arm-Raising Salute to Patriotic Song
March 16. 2023

A school in central Russia has been filmed instructing its pupils to perform a raised right arm and clenched fist gesture that some have likened to a Nazi salute, independent student news outlet DOXA reported.

Video footage published with the report shows a group of children seated in an auditorium being instructed by a woman to raise their fists during a patriotic song by the singer Shaman that includes the lyric "Ya russky" ("I'm Russian").

"You need to thrust it up to the sky, to NATO," the woman can be heard saying.

DOXA said Tuesday that the video had been filmed in Kazan during a rehearsal in the run-up to Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated in Russia on Feb. 23.

The instructor, who comments on the students' lack of patriotism, at one point asks if all the pupils are Russian citizens. When one replies that they aren't, she tells them they'd "better emigrate."

Independent Russian media outlets made visual comparisons between video and a salute performed by the Hitler Youth.

"This reminds us of something," the ChTD Telegram channel wrote.

The students were also reportedly made to learn poems about the eastern Ukrainian territories partially captured by Russian forces during the invasion, as well as how to assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles and to put on gas masks.

DOXA said that this was just one of a series of increasingly militarized events put on in schools across Russia as the country entered its second year of war in Ukraine.

DOXA also said it predicted that schools across Russia will step up the "patriotic" indoctrination of pupils ahead of Victory Day celebrations on May 9.

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williamb16 Mar 2023 7:53 p.m. PST

Three links to articles about this. First is direct link to Moscow Times article. They are saluting Russia instead of Putin.




Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP16 Mar 2023 10:01 p.m. PST

It doesn't sound like a Nazi salute. The raised fist is a symbol of struggle, as far as I remember.

I don't need an article))) I don't need someone's interpretation of a situation unknown to me. I want a video. I want to know in what situation it actually happens.
Here's how it is here, where Ukrainian teenagers in a military school use the Nazi salute for real:

YouTube link

Druzhina16 Mar 2023 11:03 p.m. PST

See the link to telegram.

Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

nickinsomerset17 Mar 2023 12:42 a.m. PST

I don't need someone's interpretation of a situation unknown to me.

No like the rest of your country you will just believe everything your great leader tells you! Except of course those corpses left in the mud by their comrades,

Tally Ho!

Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP17 Mar 2023 3:13 a.m. PST

Oh, I missed. And what's wrong here? There is a rehearsal for the holiday concert. This concert is dedicated to the patriotic holiday in honor of the Russian army. This holiday has existed for more than a hundred years. A patriotic song is being played.
Where is the Nazi ideology here? When Americans stand up during the performance of the anthem and put their hands on their hearts, is that also Nazism?

nickinsomerset, there was not a word about Putin. Putin – your god? Does he own all your thoughts? ;-)
I personally do not care about Putin. I would have preferred a more consistent and honest president. Who, including, was not as soft and naive as Putin. In 2014, a huge number of Russians demanded to send troops to Ukraine and forcefully return the legitimate president of Ukraine, Yanukovych, to his place. But Putin instead bleated something about the negotiation process and the guarantees of Western leaders. It is on his conscience that thousands of those killed. If he launched a special operation in 2014, thousands of people would still be alive.

williamb17 Mar 2023 3:13 a.m. PST

The first link in my post has a link to a video of the students saluting. The second link has a video of them saluting. As I noted they were saluting Russia and not Putin. As was pointed out raised fists are not nazi salutes and are a form of defiance

The video to the Ukranian students in the military school appears to some sort of stupid prank. It was only one unit and not the entire student body of the school. Nor were all of them doing it. There are 147 comments about that video. Do any of them tell if there was some sort of punishment? Similar pranks by students here have led to punishment or expulsion from their school.

Cuprum2 Supporting Member of TMP17 Mar 2023 3:50 a.m. PST

Perhaps this is a joke (although in Russia these children would be immediately punished for such jokes). I posted the first video I came across that I found on YouTube. It does not matter – the important thing is that in Ukraine the activities of opposition political parties are prohibited, but the activities of openly Nazi parties are allowed.
Yes, and there are a large number of videos, both modern and filmed before the start of the war, where official Ukrainian military personnel (the Azov regiment) use Nazi greetings, Nazi symbols, etc. Not so long ago, even in the United States, this unit was considered extremist. But now the Nazis who serve there are the heroes of the West ;-)
They turned out to be very motivated fighters against "Russian subhumans"))) Now the Nazis are defending universal human values and a world based on rules)))

I looked at the comments – there is nothing specific about this event in them. Usual swearing between Russians and Ukrainians.

Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP17 Mar 2023 7:16 a.m. PST

"although in Russia these children would be immediately punished for such jokes"

Yes, they would find themselves in Siberia 'counting trees'. At least, as I understand it, that used to be the euphemism for being sent to the gulag.

Heedless Horseman17 Mar 2023 7:26 a.m. PST

UK, some may remember 'Citizen Smith' 1970s comedy TV. 'Power To The People!' Raised Fist.

Shark Six Three Zero17 Mar 2023 8:49 a.m. PST

Thank goodness that here in America our teachers aren't influencing students to any political agenda. There is no external influence detracting from the educational experience as well.

Andrew Walters17 Mar 2023 9:03 a.m. PST

If someone wanted to be a smart aleck they would say Putin is the off-brand Hitler you buy at the Quickie Mart when you don't have time to go to the grocery store and get the name brand.

nickinsomerset17 Mar 2023 12:31 p.m. PST

But now the Nazis who serve there are the heroes of the West ;-)
They turned out to be very motivated fighters against "Russian subhumans"))) Now the Nazis are defending universal human values and a world based on rules)))

As a Bn the Azovs were disbanded about 2016. About 2% of the legitimate vote went to so called far right parties. The nearest thing to a Nazi dictator is Spewtin and the soldiers, if they can be called that, acting like Nazi thugs are the Russians. Not withstanding that the majority of the so called insurgents in 2014 were Russians, from Russia.

Tally Ho!

Straw Plaiter17 Mar 2023 12:37 p.m. PST

Arrest warrant issued for Putin for child abduction with further arrest warrants due for an illegal invasion, attempted genocide, Bucha + lots, murder, torture, rape, looting, shooting unarmed prisoners of war, mistreatment of POW's, threatening neighbours etc etc, yet Ukraine are the Nazi's!!! If the Russian people had any intelligence they would be out on the streets protesting, but they don't so they won't.

JMcCarroll17 Mar 2023 1:43 p.m. PST

In the Russian people defense, it is hard to protest when your next door neighbor will blow you in for a small reward.

Protest enough and you get free flying lessons from a 6th floor window.

Putang makes the Russian mafia look like pansies!

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2023 7:51 a.m. PST

The raised arm with a fist is a traditional leftist gesture in the 19th and 20th centuries. Another tradition that lives on.

BenFromBrooklyn20 Mar 2023 8:53 a.m. PST

There has been so much focus on Nazi symbols.
But the reality is Nazi policy and action.
Tattoos on some 20-something moron mean nothing.
What is meaningful? What do Nazis DO?
They invade other nations for territorial conquest.
They engage in ethnic cleansing.
They create false "Anschluss" referendums to cover it with a veneer of legitimacy.
They militarize the nation, focusing all attention on claimed threats, and building military strength.
They place the private sector under government domination.
They conflate the leader with the nation.
They delegitimize the very existence of ethnic groups they oppose.
They conflate their nation and their ethnicity by declaring themselves the rightful protectors of people of their ethnicity who live elsewhere.
They glorify past military and imperial achievements.
They demonize and persecute their own fellow citizens who dare to challenge them.
They frame areas of potential compromise as existential threats.
They suspend civil liberties.
They do not hold their own soldiers or police accountable for misdeeds.
They become paranoid of internal dissent, so they divide military power by creating new agencies, selected for political loyalty- the SS, Saddam's Republican Guard and Fedayeen, Putin's Rosgvardia Russia.

None of these things require the presence of any flag, raised fist, or tattoo, but they are all, and especially when considered in total, very, very nazi.

Heedless Horseman20 Mar 2023 2:21 p.m. PST

Look. I am OLD! I can remember when UK National Anthem was on at TV shut down! Some stood! Not me… small kid!
Queen drove through village … and we ALL were there!
BUT… patriotism has NOT been 'pushed' on us… just there!
Other nations… just seem… a 'bit weird', sometimes!

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