Editor in Chief Bill  | 09 Mar 2023 3:14 p.m. PST |
You were asked – TMP link Did you ever get into a new miniature game where you thought the background or rules were unexciting, but the figures/models were enticing? 18% of the votes: "Flames of War" 10%: "Warhammer 40,000/Rogue Trader" 9%: "All Quiet On The Martian Front" 7% [TIE]: "Silver Bayonet" OR "HeroClix" |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 09 Mar 2023 3:49 p.m. PST |
none of these/no opinion was the winner, with 36 votes or 33%. |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 09 Mar 2023 5:05 p.m. PST |
Those are like votes to opt out  |
HMS Exeter | 09 Mar 2023 6:57 p.m. PST |
I never got chance to play it, but I was always intrigued by the concept that was… It came from beyond the still. |
robert piepenbrink  | 10 Mar 2023 3:18 a.m. PST |
No, Bill. The opt out votes were "not my genre" or "not my cup of tea." When you start polls asking for "fastest unicorn" or "favorite supersonic dirigible" "none of these/no opinion is how we tell you there is no such animal. See "favorite Hemingway novel" for instance--a mythical beast if there ever was one. |
dapeters | 13 Mar 2023 12:34 p.m. PST |
The Angry Piper | 22 Mar 2023 2:22 p.m. PST |
HMS Exeter: I played ICFBTS at Gen Con in 2012. It was a huge table. I got to play the Mystery Machine crew. It was awesome! |
etotheipi  | 02 Apr 2023 7:04 a.m. PST |
none of these/no opinion is how we tell you there is no such animal This is exactly why I keep saying "none of these" and "no opinion" are different things. NoT could mean no such thing exists. Or just it exists, but isn't on the list. Both of those two meaning, however, require an opinion on the question at hand. NO does not. |
etotheipi  | 05 Apr 2023 9:35 a.m. PST |
Also, what makes HeroClix a dumb concept? |
The H Man | 05 Apr 2023 6:41 p.m. PST |
Dumb bases that won't click? Poorly painted miniatures? Cluttered bases you can't properly base and still play. And I don't even play the game! Got some cheap to look at once. |
ScottWashburn  | 06 Apr 2023 5:14 p.m. PST |
I don't see what's dumb about the concept for All Quiet on the Martian Front. The Martians figure out what killed their first scouting expedition and a few years later they come back in greater strength and protected against Earthly diseases. The humans haven't been sitting around idle, either and are much better prepared for the second invasion. Epic warfare results. |
etotheipi  | 07 Apr 2023 12:27 p.m. PST |
Dumb bases that won't click? I've got thousands of them and haven't seen that problem. If you get them second hand with Coke spilled on them glued down with Cheetos dust, I can imagine… Poorly painted miniatures? They're decent for pre-painted minis. A lot of people field less well painted minis they've done themselves. And this isn't a "dumb concept", it's poor execution. If you expect a $10 USD commercial paint job on a <$1 mini, well … Cluttered bases you can't properly base and still play. I have no idea what this means. And I don't even play the game! So you've never played, but it's dumb. |
gregmita2 | 07 Apr 2023 1:51 p.m. PST |
I totally agree. Flames of War has excellent miniatures, but this whole background story of "World War II"? Contrived, clichéd story line, with poorly written, stereotyped characters, and ridiculous plot holes. |
etotheipi  | 09 Apr 2023 9:19 a.m. PST |
The argument might have been with the rules, not the background. The poll suggestion has an "or" in it. |
The H Man | 25 Apr 2023 10:51 p.m. PST |
"If you expect a $10.00 USD USD commercial paint job on a <$1 mini, well …" Welcome to life as a commission painter. Most people do, so why can't I? Yeah, the bases don't turn, Brand New. I'm not sure how your supposed to do it, I tried everything. I mean it's hard to flock or otherwise finish the bases whether or not you are keeping its features. "So you've never played, but it's dumb." Exactly. |
etotheipi  | 26 Apr 2023 8:53 a.m. PST |
I tried everything. Well, that would have taken an infinite amount of time… My point being your hyperbole does not bolster your argument. Maybe you should try what the hundreds of very young (little kids) and very old people (aging hands and eyes) do with great success all the time … turn the dial. I've never seen anyone in a blind box tournament have this problem. I mean it's hard to flock or otherwise finish the bases whether or not you are keeping its features. Got it. A car is dumb because it doesn't fly to the moon. "So you've never played, but it's dumb."Exactly. Got it. I've never met you, but you're ugly. |