"15mm Slave Revolt army : painted" Topic
8 Posts
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madaxeman | 26 Feb 2023 9:50 a.m. PST |
A few years ago (2019 to be exact) I won an unpainted army in a raffle at the L'Art de la Guerre Worlds in Rome. The figures were from Italian manufacturer Strategia et Tactica, and the prize was actually an Arab army, however as I have Arab figures in abundance I asked the guy who'd provided them if I could swap for a different army. And, of the ones he had, the Slave Revolt army of Spartacus looked like the best bet!
I've now finally finished painting the army (almost 4 years later!), and have uploaded them all to my website in their full Cinemascope glory (*see link at end of this post), complete with an added YouTube video so you can watch the pictures that are already on my website flash past you in a matter of minutes as well. link
Royston Papworth | 26 Feb 2023 10:11 a.m. PST |
Looks like a fun army! Will we get to hear about it in your podcast soon? I used to really enjoy them and it would be sad if they were over… |
Prince Alberts Revenge | 26 Feb 2023 10:54 a.m. PST |
Look absolutely smashing, the use of the black undercoat really brings out the definition with the vibrant colors. Very lovely basing as well. Congratulations on completing the army and may they bring you many entertaining battles! |
Frederick  | 26 Feb 2023 3:43 p.m. PST |
79thPA  | 26 Feb 2023 4:55 p.m. PST |
ZULUPAUL  | 27 Feb 2023 7:40 a.m. PST |
Absolutely revolting! LOL Great army. |
vonSchwartz04 | 22 Apr 2023 6:22 p.m. PST |
Very cool, but what's up with the three giants in the front right side? |
madaxeman | 23 Apr 2023 1:08 a.m. PST |
In ADLG (and several other systems) the commanders bases are not normal "units", instead they are non-fighting markers indicating where the commander is. ADLG also has a concept of a "Strategist" – a grade of general who is particularly effective and famous (ie Spartacus in this case) Because of these things, it's become a bit of a thing for some players to use 28mm figures to identify the commanders in their 15mm armies. It means they are easy to see, your opponent can't accidentally confuse them with a normal "fighting" unit, and, well.. it's kinda cool for your Great Leader to be a Great Big figure striding the battlefield like the metaphorical collossus he (or she, in the case of Boudicca!) is in both history and game terms. |