"The tale of 2Lt Black Flag Wilde" Topic
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Joe Legan | 31 Jan 2023 2:39 p.m. PST |
My P-39s tangled with some MC 202s in Africa. Squadron Forward provided an interesting story. Found here: link Enjoy Joe |
Father of Cats | 31 Jan 2023 3:48 p.m. PST |
Just Jack  | 01 Feb 2023 6:28 p.m. PST |
Cool stuff, Joe. Well, except Airacobras, nobody thinks P-39s are cool? Why aren't those poor doggies in Lightnings, or at least P-40s??? And why'd you think I'd have a problem believing Wilde was a college football player? Seems reasonable to me. And I'm with you on the idea that rules portraying slash and crash, furious dogfights need to be fast and furious themselves, which is why I've settled into stupid-simple rules. You seem happy with Down in Flames, so good on ya. Last thing:transfer Wilde?? I have an idea, how about we train the lad? Maybe we have a responsibility to ensure this instrument of our nation's defense is actually professional and capable? Yes, I'm sure I remember reading that somewhere ;) V/R, Jack |
Joe Legan | 02 Feb 2023 6:19 a.m. PST |
Father, Thanks. Silly Jack. If these doggies were in P-38s they would be in the kicking mule squadron found here: : ) link There was a 33% chance that the mules would fly top cover but they didn't this time. " And why'd you think I'd have a problem believing Wilde was a college football player? Seems reasonable to me." The character formed up so perfect, he was evil and self centered and was a football star that I wanted you to know I rolled all that stuff up fair and square! " And I'm with you on the idea that rules portraying slash and crash, furious dogfights need to be fast and furious themselves, which is why I've settled into stupid-simple rules. You seem happy with Down in Flames, so good on ya." Of course I am not using Down in Flames exclusively. It is a mixture of Down in Flames, BTH and a good deal of my own ideas to differentiate each model of plane and add more granularity of combat results. What simple rules are you using? Last thing:transfer Wilde?? I have an idea, how about we train the lad? I thought about that. The XO tried. In a combat zone with an inferior aircraft Capt Filarto felt that wasn't worth the risk of more lives to train someone who hadn't shown much improvement. There was a 50/50 chance that the Italian could have gone after Filarto instead of Wilde. Could have been a different story had the Captain gone down. It was a tough decision and the LtCol could have agreed with your position. It is often a gray world. That is why I love these situations. No right answer. Just like the movie Cross of Iron. As you know this is what takes actual leaders time; people. Planning an attack is easy in comparison. : ) Thanks Joe |
Just Jack  | 02 Feb 2023 8:13 a.m. PST |
Joe, Yes, you are right, of course, I'd forgotten about the Mules. But the point remains: what kinda weirdo plays P-39s when he's got Lightnings!!!??? ;) And regarding the character creation, part of my problem is that I roll up too many 'perfectly evil' guys, and not enough noble/heroic types! The rules I use, which I've beefed up a bit with rules for deflection shooting and pilot quality: PDF link You won't like them, they're too simple, but I've played loads of games with them: link And regarding the transfer of Mr. Wilde to administrative duties, I'm looking to do the opposite, I'm going to keep them around, just to throw some stuff in the game. My plan is to ensure I can't get rid of him (Captain Henry) by making something up about professional connections, like his dad is a General so there's no way Major Reisman could can him. And yes, nothing like dealing with the human element… V/R, Jack |
Joe Legan | 03 Feb 2023 7:03 a.m. PST |
Jack, You can be forgiven for forgetting about the "mules". I haven't used them in almost 2 years! "what kinda weirdo plays P-39s when he's got Lightnings!!!??? ;)" This is where you and I differ. I would ask, "What kind of weirdo plays 8 straight games of the same thing?" Variety of course! No other plane is like the airacobra; you just HAVE to try it out. You have inspired me to fly a sweep with my P-38s in the pacific though. : ) Yep your rules are a bit simple for my taste but I have enjoyed your campaigns and actually envy the way you can slog through and complete whole campaigns whether on land or in the air. They work for you. Thanks for sharing. And regarding your characters… it appears you love the drama and want to stir it up all the time. Once a marine always a Marine! Joe |
Just Jack  | 03 Feb 2023 3:09 p.m. PST |
Joe, "I would ask, "What kind of weirdo plays 8 straight games of the same thing?"" No doubt it takes a special kind of weirdo ;) "Yep your rules are a bit simple for my taste…" Yes, based on our previous discussions, I figured so. "And regarding your characters… it appears you love the drama and want to stir it up all the time." I cannot deny I'm having a great time with this old WWII movie-style drama. The closest I've come previously was in Kampfgruppe Klink when leaders showing any sort of cowardice were summarily executed! V/R, Jack |