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"New book about field uniforms German soldiers 1870-71" Topic

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NapStein29 Nov 2022 4:38 a.m. PST

I just got the note from the editor that the "follow-project" after the large 2-volume work about the uniforms and equipment of the FPW armies is available at the 2nd of Dezember 2023.

This book covers the field uniforms of the German troops with many notes taken from regimental histories and memoirs and as the larger book this will also be available in German, English and French.

The links are:

German version: link

English version: link

French version: link

I hope, this addition will be a pleasant and valuable read for you … and I'm sure the 31 colorized contemporary photos will be appreciated.

Greetings from Berlin
Markus Stein

Lascaris29 Nov 2022 8:45 a.m. PST

Thanks for sharing this. :)

Mollinary29 Nov 2022 10:33 a.m. PST

Thanks Markus, looking forward to getting it!

Mollinary29 Nov 2022 1:33 p.m. PST

Just an afterthought, does this take in the issue of the white trousers of the Fusiler battalion of IR74 at Spicheren, as discussed on this forum? 🤔

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2022 4:51 p.m. PST

I have several volumes from Verlag. They are usually of high quality and informative. The Austrian Army museum (HEER) in Vienna is involved in the research in their archives. This one seems more reasonably priced this time. I'll be watching for any reviews. Am currently doing 1866 and Franco-Prussian Wars in 10mm and this sounds like it could be very useful.

NapStein30 Nov 2022 3:39 a.m. PST

@Mollinary: no, this peculiar detail is not discussed … but still I want to publish it as story in my "Protagonists" section of

Latest addition are detailed reports of two Bavarian regiments about their uniforms, equipment and weapons – cf. link

I'll announce my results about the white trousers of Spichern here after publication :-)

Greetings from Berlin
Markus Stein

Mattlely08 Dec 2022 6:23 a.m. PST

Thank you for sharing, it's a very interesting product.

Mattlely14 Dec 2022 1:08 a.m. PST

I've managed to read it a couple of times already, if not more, although in fact I just look at different details on the uniforms for my work. We were going to do an event recreating the events of the time and do a kind of fair, I like to do those kinds of variations of giving back to the community and then like here writing a summarizing essay about our activities. I have this hobby already that brought a lot of people together for something like that.

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