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"Any shops along the Danube or Rhine" Topic

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994 hits since 18 Jul 2022
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Personal logo Jlundberg Supporting Member of TMP19 Jul 2022 4:33 p.m. PST

I will be on a river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam and it would be nice to shop along the way
Stops in Budapest
and ending with a week in Amsterdam (finally get to meet my granddaughter)
Any shopping suggestions?

Lascaris20 Jul 2022 8:50 a.m. PST

Are you doing the Viking cruise? I did that from Regensburg to Budapest in 2018. It was tremendous fun and we made some friends, who live in England, that we still communicate with and actually met up with when we went to London in 2019. I didn't come across any shops, although I wasn't really looking. It was very cool to see the bridge at Regensburg, makes understanding why it was so important in 1809 obvious. While you're in Vienna the museum of military history is well worth the time as are the Imperial crypts.

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Jul 2022 2:12 p.m. PST

I would omit shopping in favour of historical sites. If you just need a shop for minis though there should be one in each major city. If you are out for local specialities that is another question that I have to pass.

BTW: Please make sure on short notice that the river tour actually happens. At the current drought in Europe the commercial traffic on the Rhine is already limited, and who knows what happens the next months. Good luck, and have fun!

Lascaris21 Jul 2022 8:11 a.m. PST

Puster has a good point. We had to take a bus between Regensburg and Passau and change ships because of low water levels (this was in late September).

Personal logo Jlundberg Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2022 12:21 p.m. PST

It will be a viking cruise. Thanks for the suggestions

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