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"Roman dusk- Late Romans on parade." Topic

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Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 2:45 a.m. PST

My Late Romans are essentially finished. I have a few Gothic units to complete for my Hun-Goth army.
I thought I'd "parade" them to mark my progress. 22 units completed. They're quite a colourful lot. Mostly Tumbling Dice, a number of Hat & some Italeri 1/72-25mm.






Fred Mills25 Jun 2022 2:49 a.m. PST

Terrific looking army!

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 3:24 a.m. PST

They look superb!

Which rules have you based them for?

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 5:02 a.m. PST

Great looking collection.

Legionarius25 Jun 2022 6:08 a.m. PST

Well done! The legions; always the legions!

Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 6:16 a.m. PST

War and Conquest. Great set of rules.
I'm working towards a first game in the coming weeks.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 6:24 a.m. PST

Great work – especially love those heavy cav!

torokchar Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2022 11:53 a.m. PST

Very nicely done – love the 1/72 scale! too bad it is not more common.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP26 Jun 2022 4:47 a.m. PST

I really like this period! I own some 1/72 but mainly have 6mm Baccus figs. None are painted. Your armies as always look great! Are the Tumbling Dice figs 1/72 or 20mm?
thumbs up thumbs up

Haven't played War and Conquest. Please post a battle report if you can.



French Wargame Holidays04 Jul 2022 10:53 p.m. PST

excellent, I do love late romans!


Personal logo oldbob Supporting Member of TMP10 Jul 2022 10:39 a.m. PST

Oh look at me, I painted and based a complete late Roman army and now my lead pile is almost empty. Ochoin; very nice work and outstanding bases.

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