Hungarians vs Americans in this battle report from the Lone Star Historical Miniatures (LSHM) club of Texas. Chris Lisanti reports from San Antonio:
Late WW II Wrap Up. Warren (US Sherman companies) attacked Chris (Hungarian Zrinyi company) in the No Retreat mission. The US attacked with 20 Shermans with half track mortars in support.
The Hungarians put down a large rifle platoon supported by a scout platoon with three Tigers in ambush. StuG and Zrinyi platoons along with the Zrinyi formation commander were in reserve. The Americans once again discovered how difficult dug in and gone to ground veteran infantry are to kill. The Tigers came out of ambush destroying two 76 mm Shermans and bailing a third who never got back in and subsequently resulted in the platoon failing its morale check.
The Hungarians were benefited by three StuGs coming out of reserve on the first turn followed by the Zrinyi platoon on the 2nd turn. The StuGs found a nice hull down location and began killing Shermans with two 76 mm Shermans destroyed in the first volley of fire. The Americans pulled off three successful tank assaults (one with the Stuarts, and two with the 75 mm Shermans) but they suffered losses from Panzerfaust and Panzershreck fire.
The Hungarian infantry never counterattacked and thus had to fall back, but never out of range of the objective. The Tigers and StuGs took out the 76 mm Sherman company while destroying the Stuarts leaving only the 75 mm Sherman company on the table.
Although the Americans eventually got the rifle platoon down to three stands (started with 11) and the scout platoon was down to last stand checks with two infantry stands (passed them thanks to formation commander re-rolls), the Americans did not dent any of the Hungarian armor (all 3 tigers, 4 Zrinyis, and 3 StuGs still on the table at the end). The Hungarians were victorious in their first battle.