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torokchar Supporting Member of TMP19 Jan 2022 7:04 p.m. PST

Chris Lisanti from the Lone Star Historical Miniatures (LSHM) club of Texas submitted the following FOW battle report:


WW II update. Warren (American Shermans) and Nathanael (Soviet T-34/85s) battled Chris (German Pz IV/70 and Sturmkompanie) in the Free for All mission (200 points aside). The Americans were aggressive in turn 1 which turned out poorly for the Allies. The Soviets were more cautious resulting in more damage to the Germans.


The turning point was when the three IS-2s were all hit and all failed their saves against the three Tigers. Two IS-2s were in flames but one got back in and hit a Tiger who failed his save, but then the Soviets threw a 1 on the firepower and the lone IS-2 died the next turn.

The left flank was then left without any substantial tank support merely awaiting the march forward by the three tigers. The right flank saw the Soviet 81 mm mortars and 122 mm howitzers pounding the clustered group of grenadiers and Flak 36 guns.

It took too many turns for the Soviets to finally kill all the Flak 36s while the plucky German grenadiers merely stayed under the repeat bombardments losing 5 of their original 9 stands. Meanwhile the attacking T34/85s were whittled away by the Flak 36s, StugGs and occasional Pz IV/70 shot.

The American P-47s came on frequently and had a good first turn blowing up a Pz IV/70 and a nebelwerfer, but then could never range in early enough or roll high enough on late ranging in to hit anything else the rest of the game. Victory to the Germans.

Capt John Miller22 Jan 2022 9:18 p.m. PST

Those things happen regarding bad rolls which seemed to be consistent.

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