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"1848 Austrian Artillery - templates" Topic

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paperbattles18 Jan 2022 10:47 a.m. PST

I tried to draw some figures for the Austrian Artillery in 1848 Italian Campaign. The info are quite reduced and hence I decided to use the 1809 patterns considering that no big chages occurred in the Austrian Army between Napoleonic period and 1848.


I tried to prepare also the crew of a gun (around 10 men) according to the moment of the battle (recharginf, firing) etc.



Every help with detailled info and corrections is very welcomed.

paperbattles18 Jan 2022 10:53 a.m. PST

sorry … here the link


paperbattles19 Jan 2022 3:22 a.m. PST

I am not able to import here the pictures.. how can I? thanks

Mad Guru19 Jan 2022 3:56 a.m. PST




@paperbattles: You probably did everything correctly. I did when I first put this comment up here, and the result was 3 links instead of 3 images, same as in your posts above. For whatever reason, sometimes the TMP posting software replaces "img" with "url" which turns the image you were posting into a link instead. The only solution I know of is to use the "edit" function and manually fix the "typos" by replacing each "url" with an "img".

A couple of years ago I spent an hour or more posting a very elaborate battle report filled with many images, all of which turned into links. I had experienced the same problem from time to time over the previous several years, but that time it bothered me enough to leave a comment on a then current thread RE: bugs here at TMP. My comment never got a response and to my knowledge nothing was ever done about it -- though I will say I haven't experienced the problem myself for some time. Then again, I don't post here as often as I used to, which could be the explanation for not running into the problem posting images as much as I used to. Anyway, sorry to go on at such length about something completely disconnected from your thread -- and great job as always on your paper soldier creations!

paperbattles19 Jan 2022 9:11 a.m. PST

@Mad Guru thanks a lot for your explanation! It helped a lot and thanks for publishing my link into pictures.
Sorry for your inconvenieces.

I will try now to post a new pictures, but your explanation was really very clear.

paperbattles19 Jan 2022 9:14 a.m. PST

I tried. on the link there was "img" but I published a link

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