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"Outfits of the belligerents in the Congo - 1964 to 1967." Topic

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2021 7:07 a.m. PST

Hello everyone,

Apart from the M.A.A – N° 492, I am looking for a book with illustrations and/or color photos of the various belligerents in the Congo between 1964 and 1967.

Thank you.

Oddball29 Jun 2021 10:06 a.m. PST

I don't know of a book with color plates for the Congo, '64-'67, but here is a good 18 minute video that has MANY different examples of the type of uniforms worn, including some interesting camo patterns.

YouTube link

It is a very good documentary, but…….


It has many scenes that could be disturbing to some viewers.

Views of mass executions of civilians and military personal, beatings of prisoners, no punches pulled on showing how brutal the fighting in the Congo was to any soul unfortunate enough to be there.

This is another video, 3 1/2 minutes, also shows the variety of "uniforms" worn.

YouTube link

Again, there are scenes that are difficult to watch.

Interesting enough, I believe this might have short clips of Maj. Mike Hoare's 2nd in command, Mueller, if I remember the name correctly, wearing his Iron Cross, 1st class, that he won in the German Army during W.W. II.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2021 3:37 p.m. PST

Uniforms of the Soldiers of Fortune (Thompson, et al., 1985) also has some pictures you might find useful.

jurgenation Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2021 6:35 p.m. PST

Osprey has a book on the Congo .plus checkout Helions Africa @ war series.many books on the Congo. Also checkout the Modern African Bushwars page on Facebook.Uniforms depended onwhich Commando,some Bleeped text a mix of American and Belgian,some French influenced,lots of leeway on uniforms.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2021 6:09 a.m. PST

Thank you Oddball, but I know, it is part of the Italian film "Africa Addio": YouTube link

Thanks Oberlindes Oberlindes Sol LIC, but Uniforms of the soldiers of fortune Hardcover – January 1, 1985 by Leroy Thompson (Author), Ken MacSwan (Author) is in PdF on the net and not worth it for what interests me..

Thank you jurgenation, but it's the M.A.A. n ° 492 and the two Helions on the subject which I bought first.

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