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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Jun 2021 1:32 p.m. PST

I cannot account for its history, but I have come across a remarkable German language work, "Painting Information for the Time of the War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714," Arranged by Claus-Peter Goldberg and edited Siegbert Wagner.

The work consists of 320 individual cards, 8" x 5.5", all printed single sided in b&w. Besides a cover card, introduction, and 15 pages listing each individual item in the set, there are 300 separate cards, each devoted to a single battalion/regiment/battery fielded by every nation contributing units to the conflict.

Each entry provides a likeness of its Color/Standard, at least four views of its uniform, coat and facing colors, rank distinctions, as well as cap/miter/tricorn details, and commonly details of musicians coats and drums, saddle details (but not tack or harness), and a list of actions it participated in.

In short, it would appear to be the last word in basic information any wargamer (or sculptor) would require to represent probably any unit that fired a shot for any army engaged.

I have it in a heavy duty box with a post mark of 11/12/87 as it was evidently sent from Germany to the lucky recipient.

I do not know any more about this, including if it is still in print, or was even in general release. It appears to have been a labor of love by its creators who do mention their interest in "Zinnfiguren." Four major books are cited, as well as a lengthy list of contributors of information used to assemble the work.

I have no personal use for this, and found it buried with other items acquired over many years. I know better than to trash it, but, frankly, don't wish to trade it for a magic bean, either.

If anyone can shed some light, and if it has any value to anyone here, please E-mail me at The 18th Century is not my bailiwick and my TMP Homepage does not direct me to this forum, so remarks here will be wasted on me, but may still be of interest to others.

Grateful for your time and attention, I remain

TheOtherOneFromTableScape21 Jun 2021 3:57 a.m. PST

If these are what I think they are, they are quite rare. The plates were produced in Hanover in 1980's and created by C Goldberg, apparently Wager was the publisher. They are referecenced in several pamphletes I have on WSS, "Danes, Barvarians and Prussians" by Pat Condray and "The Dutch Army of Wiliiam III" by C Sapherson. This website also makes a mention, about half way down.


A good find. I'd love to own a set!

Personal logo enfant perdus Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2021 9:43 a.m. PST

As far as a reference they were the gold standard in their day. As mentioned, everyone who did serious work on the conflict cited them.

Today they would be very desirable as a collectible. I honestly have no idea what an asking price would be, but I expect "high". You could try an online auction site, or perhaps an auctioneer who has the expertise and audience to maximize your return. If it were me, I'd contact Old Toy Soldier Auctions in Pittsburgh.

Federico23 Jun 2021 1:58 a.m. PST

why not make then available to many of us in the form of a book or copies booklet which could be sold a to many of us at a reasonable price? I am quite sure the copyright if still valid could be settled with the original editor which would allow for a printed edition? I would be interested in purchasing a copy if in the 40/50 USD price range. You could found it with a kickstarter as well and this way you could sell the original copy to a collector.
I am thinking of the excellent work you did with the publication of Viva Huarez books…Best Regards
Federico; Genova Italy

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jun 2021 9:57 a.m. PST


I must say, yours in an interesting idea!

I am concerned, however, about the Copyright issues. It's been years since I last researched one, so can't even recall all the steps. I do know it was simpler as it was a US Copyright. Copyrights in Germany would necessarily be harder to track down.

On the other hand, no Copyright claim appears on any of the material, so it may already be in Public Domain.

Reproduction itself would not be a serious problem as the best way would be to scan the work and provide it as a PDF file for universal viewing and no need for postage costs to the buyer.

If anyone following this thread has any suggestions on how I might confirm the state of Copyright, I would appreciate them! Please E-mail me at the above address as this post will soon enough fall off the TMP Home Page.

And, "Mille Grazzie!," Federico, for for the kind words about "Viva Juarez!" I did indeed try to make it visually--as well as by content--the "Last Word" on the subject.



barcah200105 Jul 2021 4:49 p.m. PST

I worked in Munich for several years back in the 1980's and purchased the Wagner card set myself. Put them in plastic sleeves and a notebook. I forgot I had the collection until I read this. I'm interested in seeing what others have to say.

Darkfire07 Jul 2021 12:55 p.m. PST

A few weeks ago someone sold it on Ebay Germany for 21 Euro…lucky guy, who bought it

paperbattles19 Jul 2021 8:57 a.m. PST

About copyright: usually (Italy) it lasts 70 years from the moment of the death of the Author. I think in Europe it is the same; usually the copyright is on the Editor that bought all rights from the Author…

You should check if the Editor is still exsisting. In any case, I gave you idea about Italian Law… some German Lawyer would be useful

wehrmacht20 Aug 2021 8:56 a.m. PST

>The work consists of 320 individual cards, 8" x 5.5", all printed single sided in b&w.

Would've thought that a black-and-white resource (even if backed up by descriptions of the colours) would be somewhat limited in its utility and aesthetic value.

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