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"Pics 1/200 Skytrex with Adler and Timecast 6mm, PLEASE?" Topic

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Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP16 Jan 2021 10:17 p.m. PST

Somewhere, sometime, (May be a couple of years ago, or more!), I have seen some pics of Skytrex 1/200 WW2 vehicles alongside based Adler 6mm infantry and Timecast 6mm Buildings… and they seemed to rub along fine… by me, anyway!

YES, I know they are different scales. I have Skytrex 1/200 vehicles and their limited figures. Timecast 6mm buildings DO 'work' with them… (A lot of gamers use 'smaller' scale buildings quite happily!).

I am pleasantly anticipating a big order from Adler… which may or may not satisfy my craving! Nice figs, anyway…but I am moving away from 6mm, as, getting older, working with 1/200 (8mm), is definitely easier… esp as the Skytrex WW2 stuff can do with detailing/stowage, etc.

With figures this small, height does vary.. SOME GHQ infantry in 'kneeling' are much bigger than standing figs… for instance.

10mm, (1/150-1/144), is most definitely NOT 1/200 which is about 8mm…they DO NOT WORK… but, some 6mm does, sort of!

I am just trying to find the pics which started me on this path! There were several, mainly German. I can only think it was on TMP, or a link to someone's Website! Hope someone can remember as I just cannot find them! Cheers Folks!

BillyNM17 Jan 2021 12:59 a.m. PST

Caliver sell the old Wargames South range of figures that go well with Skytrex 1/200 – I have photos but not sure how to post them.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Jan 2021 10:31 a.m. PST

@BillyNM: Your pictures have to already be up on the web somewjere. You cannot upload them to TMP. Here's a tutorial:

TMP link

Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP18 Jan 2021 7:08 p.m. PST

Sorry, made the wrong Crosspost to 20mm WW2!

Steamingdave219 Jan 2021 11:46 a.m. PST

@BillyNM. Rather surprised that Wargames South figures should fit with Skytrex. The original Wargames South models were, I believe, 1/150. Company was later renamed as Arrowhead and they produce at 1/144; really nice models.
Think Adler are much more likely to be compatible with 1/200 scale vehicles; my ACW Adler are around 8mm tall, which is pretty close to 1/200 if you consider "average man" to be around 170cm tall.

Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP19 Jan 2021 7:59 p.m. PST

Have seen pics of Wargames South based with Pendraken, almost seamless. So…not 1/200 in my own 'thoughts'.

I have also seen Adler figures 'crewing' GHQ 1/285 ATGS…and, to me, the guns look small, although 'acceptable' in a 'piece'.

(In 'real' life, if you stand next to an ATG…even the smaller ones such as a 2pdr…it's a GREAT BIG chunk of metal… and 6pdrs or 50mms even bigger! On a table, not so noticeable in 6mm… esp for the heavier guns.).

6mm can be very 'forgiving'! In larger scales… nobody would use 15mm, (1/100) with 20mm, (1/76 or 1/72.)! 1/200, (~8mm), is very 'borderline' in how a user appreciates things… but for me, 10mm infantry are TOO big.

I have hopes for Adler, based on coins, with Skytrex vehicles and guns unbased. However, as with GHQ and Scotia, SOME figures may look great, others may not…will have to see. :)

Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP02 Feb 2021 10:47 p.m. PST

Having now received some Adler 6mm Infantry, I have loosely placed some on UK 1p coins next to UNBASED Skytrex armour.
Yes, they are a little 'small', BUT, they are in very nice 'combat' poses… and guys in combat DO try to be as SMALL as possible! LOL.
They will certainly 'do' for me.

Also, if placed alongside UNBASED Butlers Printed Models SPECIAL ORDERED armour in 1/200, 8mm scale, they also work very well… as these are very slightly smaller than Skytrex, mainly in the tank's 'feel' of 'bulk' and 'ride height'.

(Based on coins, next to an UNBASED 1/285 tank, they look too big to MY eyes..but alongside a BASED 1/285 tank, they also look OK… so great little figures, whatever your choice of 'Micro Armour' scale! ).

(A note for basing on coins… dunno about other countries' coins, but, SOME UK 1p and 2p coins have been minted in 'Copper Plated' steel, and so will adhere to magnetic strip in a storage box. NO, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO USE COINS LIKE THIS! ;) ).

Anyway, together with Skytrex 1/200 inf, SOME GHQ 1/285 inf and SOME Scotia 6mm, Adler 6mm inf mean that MY infantry difficulties have been 'well sorted' !

I will also say that. although due to limitations with MY old pc, I am unable to use the order forms, Adler were very good with an order by email and payment using their Paypal link went smoothly. Contact was great and once payment made, delivery came in two days, (in U.K), as they had the order ready to ship. At time of posting, they do have a backlog of orders to be fulfilled, due to the current Covid problems, before 'new' orders can be processed, but, this will get worked out. Contact them if you are interested.

Well Pleased with Adler!

Marc the plastics fan10 Mar 2023 4:50 p.m. PST

You want to look for Michel Ney on Facebook – he posts some excellent pics of skytrex with Adler

Works really well together

Now, for my money, what I'd like to see is someone printing vehicles in 1/200

Marc the plastics fan10 Mar 2023 4:50 p.m. PST

Look in the Adler unofffical catalogue group for him

Heedless Horseman Supporting Member of TMP23 Mar 2023 7:23 p.m. PST

Butlers Printed Models will print stuff in 1/200, 8mm if requested as special order. Not Catalogue scale. Many transactions… mainly for turrets to put on Skytrex hulls. V, V slightly small, but better dimensions than old Skytrex… look Good. WW2, anyway. (Skytrex will need hull drilling). Note: Scaled UP from 1/300, so less detail than on 15mm pics. Great service in UK.Thanks loads.

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