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"First Nations and Métis Peoples in the War of 1812" Topic

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Comments or corrections?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP26 Sep 2020 8:19 p.m. PST

"First Nations and Métis peoples played a significant role in Canada in the War of 1812. The conflict forced various Indigenous peoples to overcome longstanding differences and unite against a common enemy. It also strained alliances, such as those in the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy in which some branches were allied with American forces. Most First Nations strategically allied themselves with Great Britain during the war, seeing the British as the lesser of two colonial evils and the group most interested in maintaining traditional territories and trade.

Note that the term "First Nations" is used in this article to refer specifically to Indigenous peoples in what is now Canada, and the term "Native Americans" is used to refer to Indigenous peoples in the United States. The term "First Nations" does not include the Métis or Inuit peoples of Canada…"

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