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"Are Scibor Minis the best 28mm Heroic Scale fantasy minis?" Topic

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viper512125 Jul 2020 8:29 p.m. PST

I tend to like the look of chunkier (more substantial) fantasy miniatures to play my board games such as Dungeon Universalis. Dungeon Universalis is a complex dungeon crawl board game with tons of options and it is made so that you can use any miniatures you wish to play it.

That being said, I find chunkier miniatures to be just more impressive looking and have more table presence. I have been to many miniature websites and the best I have seen are Scibor Monsterous Miniatures. The only downside is that they are expensive and the resin can possibly break if dropped, so it's not the most durable material. So far, I only have the Scibor Minotaur Warriors set and I was blown away by the quality of the sculpts! And they are nice chunky miniatures as well. I have miniatures from Games Workshop and CMON and Scibor is definitely a step above both. Frankly, I find GW Age of Sigmar fantasy miniatures to be over-sculpted and sort of a mess, but many of them are nice as well.

What do you all think of Scibor Monsterous Miniatures?

Personal logo x42brown Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2020 5:54 a.m. PST

I have a dislike of Scibor's minis. They strike me as an attempt to out Games Workshop Games Workshop. He is an excellent sculpture when he is not doing his comertial work but those of his I have are just ugly and those I see for sale look no better.


sorry if the spelling is a mess something is interfering with my dyslexia software

ccmatty Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2020 6:09 a.m. PST

I own many Scibor miniatures. I think they are superb. I agree that GW is over-sculpted. They lost me as a customer a while ago…

whill426 Jul 2020 6:22 a.m. PST

I believe Reaper Miniatures has one of the best fantasy lines. They have a very deep and broad fantasy range.

viper512126 Jul 2020 7:01 a.m. PST


"I believe Reaper Miniatures has one of the best fantasy lines. They have a very deep and broad fantasy range."

I don't know about that. I had a bunch of Reaper Bones minis and their quality was lower than CMON and some other brands of board games miniatures that I own. I sold my Reaper Bones minis.

dick garrison26 Jul 2020 8:10 a.m. PST

Have to say that I don't think there is a best manufacturer of Fantasy miniatures or any other type to be honest. I think there are good and bad figures in every range.

Nearly all of the best armies I've seen over the years have been a "pick'n'mix" of what takes the owners fancy. Figures like art are deeply subjective what I think is superb you might class as trash and vice verse.

You think Scribor are the best, good for you, do I think so probably not, but that doesn't detract for either persons opinion.

Cheers Roger.

gisbygeo26 Jul 2020 8:56 a.m. PST


'I don't know about that. I had a bunch of Reaper Bones minis and their quality was lower than CMON and some other brands of board games miniatures that I own. I sold my Reaper Bones minis.'

He said Reaper, not Reaper Bones, Reaper has an extensive range of metal miniatures.

But as was said above: You may like Scribor, and that's OK. He may like Reaper (even Reaper Bones) and he is just as right as you are. You asked for other people's opinions, so you don't get to argue that they are wrong if they disagree.

newarch26 Jul 2020 9:38 a.m. PST

My preference, based purely upon the designs is for 80s Citadel Miniatures, which really capture the look of things like Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins (the latter got very cartoony in the 90s). Their early Chaos range and monsters are good too. Humans are a mix of old Citadel and various other manufacturers, typically historical.

I bought some Reaper Miniatures and was most impressed with them, especially the Bones familiars which are exquisite.

Not really fussed on Scibor but I agree about modern GW sculpts, technically very good but do nothing for me.

The Beast Rampant26 Jul 2020 9:57 a.m. PST

I hear you. Unfortunately, with more CAD and fewer being built armature-up, they seem to be getting more willowy all the time.

Yeah, i'd be happier if Scibor trailed after GW less. But hey, what ever makes them money.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2020 10:03 a.m. PST

De gustibus non disputandem est, as they used to say.

Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2020 1:08 p.m. PST

Yes, and no. I depends a lot on what your definition of "best" is.

Thresher0126 Jul 2020 2:55 p.m. PST

I don't know anything about these, but I'm not willing to pay hefty prices for fragile, resin minis.

viper512126 Jul 2020 4:31 p.m. PST


"You asked for other people's opinions, so you don't get to argue that they are wrong if they disagree."

Actually, I do get to, and I did :)

Der Krieg Geist26 Jul 2020 10:11 p.m. PST

I find these kinds of threads odd. Why not start a thread with a statement like" I think Scribor Miniatures are the best!"
Then go on to describe what you like and then ask: If others like Scribor miniatures also, what do you like about them?

Then you can have a post were everyone sits around and agrees how much they all think alike. :D

I don't like Scribor miniatures at all, not one bit. I think the painters they use on the website do a fantastic job of putting a beautiful coat of polish on poorly designed, terribly proportioned miniatures that copy all that I dislike about Games Workshop designs, while cranking the pointless detail/lumpy=dumpy morphology/skull factor up to eleven.

This opinion does not in anyway deride anyone else for thinking Scribor miniatures are the best ever, in the history of miniature making.

If I were feeling unkind I would say, that when I look at their website I see polished junk, wasted painting talent on ugly poor sculpts. This is still naught but my opinion and does not lay judgement upon anyone who likes them.

Too many people today, in my observations, take as a personal offence and insult, anyone who disagrees with their own opinion on anything. I can disagree with an individual on many things and still like said individual and find agreement on other subjects.

I do not like spectator sports in most cases, this does not mean I think less of those who do enjoy them.

Given up for good28 Jul 2020 6:31 a.m. PST


Such a subjective subject – taste is so personal I'm at a loss how to answer for you.
If you like it – buy it (though do not use it in a GW store)
If you do not – go elsewere
If you are unsure – google pics / videos till you know.

David Johansen13 Oct 2023 12:25 p.m. PST

Not a fan of the style, but I respect the craftsmanship.

I think Tom Meir's 30mm elves and goblins for Thunderbolt Mountain are the best fantasy figures hands down. But the scope and range of the line are limited.

I'm a big fan of Ralpartha's Fantasy Armies range. I've got an elven army, a barbarian empire army, chaos army, and an orc army and hope to get skeletons, goblins, and dwarves someday.

Reaper clearly has the broadest range of fantasy figures and the sculpts are decent if not in a style or scale I care for.

QUATERMASS15 Oct 2023 8:08 p.m. PST

I don't like Scribor miniatures either or that GW style;for me otherworld miniatures are my favorite all though I don't have any as they cost to much.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Oct 2023 3:55 p.m. PST

Don't know about best or the best, but I bought a couple sets of the female dwarves, which are way above my usual price point. I was digging them back then and I still do now.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2023 5:06 p.m. PST

Never heard of them.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2023 4:24 a.m. PST

I had to look them up.

I'd say no, but not sure who is best.

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Oct 2023 1:11 a.m. PST

Don't think so.

La Fleche20 Nov 2023 6:39 p.m. PST

I like the look of Otherworld Miniatures best.

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