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"Los planes de Napoleón para la armada josefina" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP04 May 2020 9:46 p.m. PST

"The objective of this presentation is to comment on the state of the Spanish squads at the time that Napoleon imposed his brother as king of Spain, and the plans that were made for them.

When one looks at the summary table of the General State of the Navy in 1808, it is found that among the 228 ships of the Navy (without counting subtle forces) we can talk only about 42 ships, 25 of them appear as "armed" and 3 as "in harrow "(under construction); 30 frigates are also mentioned, 5 of them "armed" and 1 "in the stands".

Apparently it was an important naval force, and from which Napoleon undoubtedly expected a greater contribution than that offered at the time by a reluctant ally. Thus, once in May he took control of the Spanish crown, a crown that would eventually be transferred to his brother José, he did not forget to pay attention to the state and activity of the Spanish Navy…"

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