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"Need help with e-mail wargaming" Topic

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1,252 hits since 22 Mar 2020
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Krommer6mm22 Mar 2020 6:28 a.m. PST

me and my friends are planning to play a big e-mail/online wargame replaying the 1848-49 Hungarian revolution and i've run into some problems:

1.) First and most importantly i can't find a way/platform to play the game on. The plan was a division to corps sized 2v2 game with an umpire (myself) where i would send them the maps and they would write down the moves which i would carry out, a bit like kriegsspiel just not as complex. And i can't find a platform where they could see their troops or even measure distances, and maybe even draw some movements, so that is my biggest concern.

2.) I don't really know what platform to use to make the maps/the game, it would need to be easy to control, i would need to be able to move units around (not hex-based!) and to stay consistent withe the size of the map (that i'd like to be quite big) and then make it into a JPG file or something similar to be sent to the players.

Thank you a lot in advance, and excuse me for my not so great English. :)

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP22 Mar 2020 6:44 a.m. PST

For part 1) perhaps MS One Note?

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2020 8:47 a.m. PST

For something like this I would suggest that for the campaign map, you use a map with hexes, squares or area movement. This eliminates the need for measuring. They can simply write their orders "Army A in hex 2217 moves 2218, 2219,2319,2320"

For the battles you can make maps in Battle Chronicler. This is a free map software designed for gamers. It allows you to add units, draw arrows, etc. It includes pre-built terrain pieces. Best of all it is free. You can add a grid and give a scale.

Now your player can add an arrow for movement. So I have 3rd brigade behind the hill. The brigade has a movement allowance of 6. I draw an arrow 6" long and place it on the map showing where I want it to go.

Also, instead of Email try Slack. It is a group messaging app that has a free option. You can set up "channels" that only members can see. So you can have the Rebels in one channel, the King in the other. Thay can't see each others' channel. It lets you post image links and even upload files.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2020 8:55 a.m. PST

Battle Chronicler:

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2020 8:57 a.m. PST

Another thought at least on movement:

If your players simply write orders like the generals would have, there is no need to measure. They just write orders. You need to give them movement rates. So for example:

An infantry unit moves about 12" per turn on a good road, 9" on a secondary road and 6" otherwise.

Of course, you could roll to see just how far each unit gets, just like in real life.

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