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"Military uniforms from around the world" Topic

8 Posts

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15 Mar 2020 11:06 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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722 hits since 14 Mar 2020
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP14 Mar 2020 11:11 p.m. PST


This is why I love military history.

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2020 5:46 a.m. PST

slide 25 (Thai military) is certainly a marvellous looking uniform.

JimDuncanUK15 Mar 2020 6:08 a.m. PST

Advert ridden and since when did England have a separate military force from the rest of the countries in the United Kingdom.

They also missed some really striking uniforms.

JimDuncanUK15 Mar 2020 1:42 p.m. PST

This is one of the milder ones of the Indian army.


JimDuncanUK15 Mar 2020 1:44 p.m. PST

And these are good too from Greece.


Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2020 6:39 p.m. PST

Advert ridden and since when did England have a separate military force from the rest of the countries in the United Kingdom.

They also missed some really striking uniforms.

Bad day at the office?

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP16 Mar 2020 1:50 p.m. PST

Still and all some interesting uniforms – like the Indonesians who apparently are using camo designed for either the ocean blue or an upscale dance club

Also – for the Poles – "Cursed Solder Day"seems to be quite the celebration

For the Canadian Army we do have some more colourful uniforms!


AICUSV21 Mar 2020 11:50 a.m. PST

"Advert ridden and since when did England have a separate military force from the rest of the countries in the United Kingdom."

It is my understand that during the 18th and a good part of the 19th century. That there were actually different armies for budgetary and admin reasons.

There are cooler photos they could used for Chile.

Sorry – Lost my ability to post photos here.

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