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"Light Sabre vs Captain America's Shield" Topic

15 Posts

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Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Feb 2020 7:43 a.m. PST

Yes, this is an old one. And it was even nicely addressed by authorities a couple years ago. (Note: The actors are authorities on such things. Maybe not the authorities, but it's a righteous argument.). I only ran into the topic recently, mostly because I don't follow anyone's Twitter feed. (Which is neither good nor bad. I don't follow fashion news, which is likely to the detriment of everyone who has to look at me.)

The discussions are steeped in the way SWU and the MU work. What is what in each universe, etc., etc. But they seem to have left us out. And I think we are the most important part of what is being asked, independent of what is being said.

"Can a light sabre cut Captain America's shield?" Meh. Nobody cares. And not the "no(non geek)body cares", but "cut" isn't interesting. The general consensus is yes, a light sabre is capable of generating enough heat to melt vibranium, adamantium, steel, and marshmallows (which I believe are the four major components of the shield). And absorbing/reflecting kinetic energy isn't important to that.


In a lab.

I don't think anyone cares if the lightsaber could cut the shield, but rather, could it do it under conditions of combat. Pretty much any Medieval sword is capable of cutting or destroying any Medieval shield. Eventually. Under controlled conditions. But, mostly, in the real world its hackity-hack-hack.

I think the real meat of the question is whether or not Cap's shield would help when fighting a Sith.

Now the kinetic bit comes into play. I assert thins because without a kinetic component, you couldn't have cool light sabre duels. So you get the hack0ty-hack-hack.

Now the interesting part is how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll lollipop. I am going to say a couple dozen at least since Cap's shield has reflected some pretty powerful things and done so completely fully (otherwise Cap would have been crushed many times over). The light sabre would start to cut, but only get the most minimal opportunity before it goes winging back at the attacker.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2020 8:14 a.m. PST

Cap all the way !!!

Bashytubits09 Feb 2020 8:26 a.m. PST

What I want to know is can Cap'n Crunch deflect light sabres.

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2020 9:54 a.m. PST

now, Bashytubits, THAT is truly an Awesome question (I was going to write interesting but my phone suggested Awesome, with a capital A, so I went with it)

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2020 11:55 a.m. PST

Maybe Captain America should have used Zillo beast armour?

YouTube link

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2020 12:54 p.m. PST

Cap's shield withstood the full brunt of a hammer blow from Mjolnir, wielded by Thor, without so much as scratch— and none of the energy of that blow was transferred to Cap. And while a lightsaber is supposed to be able to cut anything, the blade is often shown as raising little more than sparks from incidental contact with some metallic surfaces, and that with others— ship bulkheads, for example— the cutting process only occurs with extended contact and pressure. In the end, it's really just a fancy plasma torch, Jedi or no Jedi (or Sith or no Sith). So, no, a lightsaber will not cut Captain America's shield.
But it would be an awesome fight!

Zephyr109 Feb 2020 3:33 p.m. PST

"My make-believe is better than your make-believe!"


JLA10509 Feb 2020 4:03 p.m. PST

+1 Zephyr1!

von Schwartz09 Feb 2020 5:35 p.m. PST

If light sabres are lazers, why don't they just go through each other instead of clanging together like they are made of something solid like steel?

Sorry, I had a brief spasm of reality there…now where were we?

Stryderg09 Feb 2020 6:54 p.m. PST

@ Zephyr1
I believe the appropriate response is, "nah-uh!"

USAFpilot09 Feb 2020 7:03 p.m. PST

Are we talking "blue" lightsabers or "red" lightsabers?

Dynaman878910 Feb 2020 8:04 a.m. PST

How many Jedi can dance on Captain America's shield while it is sitting on top of Thor's hammer?

Martin Rapier10 Feb 2020 9:19 a.m. PST

But what happens when our budding Sith merely Force-pulls the shield from Captain Americas grasp and proceeds to chop him into tiny little bits?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP10 Feb 2020 10:00 a.m. PST

Good point Dynaman !

Wouldn't happen Martin ! We're talk'n CPT America here !!!

Dynaman878910 Feb 2020 10:25 a.m. PST

I just realized it should have been Jedi Force Ghosts. Oh well, too late to change it now.

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