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"CS scenario - Night Ops in the Gulf of Genoa" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP03 Jun 2019 7:30 a.m. PST

Hi All,

Here's a few pictures we snapped during our DieCon Cruel Seas presentation this past weekend. The game was fully-attended, and Warlord-USA Rep Jon even spent a little time with us viewing the tabletop action -

And there were the expected tight maneuvers (but by gosh, no collisions during the entire game!) -

Reasons for – one of the shore batteries here was engaging those Ron-15 Higgins boats above -

The two captains of the R-Boats pictured made a valiant effort to hold at bay 3 Allied flotillas from torping the MFPs coming in behind them towards their harbor objective, but were eventually overwhelmed by numbers -

The small colored squares that co-judge Fitz provided helped the players track their individual boats, the splash markers on the wake counters we used to note boats that had already moved in the turn, and that 6-sider shows the turns that sinking Higgins remained on-board as a hazard before she slipped below.

The game had well over a dozen "moving parts", so keeping things manageable required some of these extra bits on the board.

We're contemplating using a white or yellow grease pencil (or "china marker") to draw an orienting line for each torpedo launched, as with all these moving parts (models and players), it becomes inevitable that the torps can get scattered off-line – something we'll explore if these marker lines might be easily removed [cleaned off] from our vinyl game mat that is. ;)

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP03 Jun 2019 12:00 p.m. PST

It was a fun scenario to assist with at DieCon. The Allied forces launched numerous torpedoes at the heavily laden supply barges scoring 5 hits. Two of which were duds and one was a poor damage roll inflicting just a few points of damage. Two solid hits into the unlucky MFP with some solid damage rolls broke her in half. The Allies suffered some significant losses to achieve their end with several boats slipping beneath the waves.

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