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"Height of Wargames Foundry SYW figures" Topic

4 Posts

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Snowcat16 Feb 2019 4:42 p.m. PST

I'm looking at getting some Foundry SYW Prussian infantry for Sharp Practice 2, and I'm guessing they're approx 26mm to the eye on average, based on the standard coin they're shown on (on their website) being a 5p coin? This would have a diameter of 18mm, so that produces the foot-to-eye estimate of 26mm on average for the SYW range.

Can anyone please confirm this?


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP16 Feb 2019 5:40 p.m. PST

I have some on the painting bench right now

The fusilier are 27 mm from sole of boot to eyebrow, and the fusiliers are the same

Good estimate, my friend – you will find them a lot of fun to paint

Snowcat16 Feb 2019 5:50 p.m. PST

Thanks. (Looks like it's a 5p coin they use in their photos after all.)

I'm going to be getting the IR6 Giant Grenadiers for my 'War of the Gastronomic Obsession' campaign. I've estimated them to be 28-29mm to the eye, with a couple around 31mm to the eye. And plenty of 'sausage munching and schnapps swilling girth' which is essential for this setting. ;)

Thanks again. Cheers.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP17 Feb 2019 10:24 a.m. PST

No problem and good gaming!

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