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3,001 hits since 9 Jan 2019
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Last Hussar09 Jan 2019 12:59 p.m. PST

So I bought a couple of test packs of Commission Figurines MDF napoleonics.  

He says they are 6mm, but with the caveat they are a bit bigger- I measure at 8-9mm with the base strip. (the bases are 40x20s)

I bought artists pens from Hobby Craft (Windsor and Newton Promarker – 12 for £20.00 GBP, chisel tip at one end, pointy one at the other), and after a white undercoat coloured in, staying between the lines! I can do this quicker, and (a bit) more neatly than painting (I hate painting). Hobby craft also do a 2.5l RUB, with a tray in. 1 compartment takes the pens (and painting glasses) while the other 4 have the figures.

Did a test strip one night, then Monday did the other 11 (2 were half started).  Basically did 88 figures in an evening!

I think I could well buy the rest of the Army now! Not only are they ideal for FoG:N (for the '15mm measurements – why do rules writers not understand the rational for small figures is often more in the same foot print!), but that battalion is the width of a BP unit when playing at the Inch measurement scale, not the sub in cms that SJ, I and Tring club do.

The strips are 42mm – I assume that is to do with laying out efficiently, so I clip the end men off, and put them behind as file closers.

Next up – Dragoon test paint.

Thanks to Sunjester for the loan of bases

Thomas O10 Jan 2019 10:55 a.m. PST

Those look good, I have toying with getting his ACW figures.

Last Hussar10 Jan 2019 12:56 p.m. PST

I'm finding the colouring in has a technique, and its easier to learn than painting.
Plan for next unit
Spray white
THEN the face, and then back of head -hair, brown, same as knapsack at the same time.
THEN Boots and shako, and cartridge pouch.
Blanket roll

I usually do the face last when I'm painting (psychological reasons- It makes it look better, so as the last thing I do it lifts a figure when feeling despondent!) but the pens will blend (hence the fact that some of them appear to have lippy on! Going to see if I can find a red Rotring pointing pen, as they are really fine.

Last Hussar12 Apr 2021 4:19 p.m. PST

Browsing I found this thread.

This is how I've ended up (still got Austrians to paint, and Imperial Guard with my brother because couldn't see him at Christmas)

48 photos of units, armies laid out and games of FoGN and Blucher.

Plus the accident.


Last Hussar01 Aug 2022 12:56 p.m. PST


Had a few games of Blucher with them since last post

Now painted Imperial Guard and some French squares
