Playtesters wanted for a cartoon vehicle racing game called Cartoon Car Crash Course. Cartoon Car Crash Course (C4) is an excuse for adults to play with toy cartoon vehicles. We provide rules for six kinds of cartoon vehicles: Conventional, Wacky, Spooky, Futuristic, Superhero, & Supervillain. You choose a vehicle type & a theme that fits your vehicle. Next you pay points to purchase Add-Ons (cartoon weapons, special abilities, hazards, tricks, & so on) that fit your theme. A wide variety of possibilities are included so you can create (or recreate) almost any cartoon vehicle; the points system keeps them balanced.
From 2 to 6 players race their toy cartoon cars using a simple simultaneous movement system; attacks are also simultaneous. Collisions & attacks are resolved quickly. If a car loses all of its damage points, it Blows Up, moves back 2d6", then keeps on going. All of this means lots of action & very little down time for players.
C4 plays quickly & is suitable for both younger players & older players with short attention spans (like most gaming groups, in our experience). It plays faster than most other car combat games & can get pretty hilarious at times.
With 6 vehicle types, 6 cartoon themes, 15 customizable weapon types & more than 40 customizable add-ons to choose from, you'll be able to create or recreate just about any ‘toon vehicle imaginable – as long as you have a toy vehicle that can represent it. The points system keeps them balanced, so a Wacky baby bird in a jalopy or a beagle sitting on a doghouse with imaginary machine guns can cause just as much mayhem as a Superhero in a specially designed ubermobile.
If this sounds interesting to you, please email me at rob (dot) lusk (at) comcast (dot) net. I've done initial playtesting and am looking for additional feedback within the next month or so.
That's all, folks!