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"LGG March Madness raising casting money sale" Topic

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1,560 hits since 2 Mar 2018
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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napthyme02 Mar 2018 11:44 p.m. PST


Due to continuing down sales everywhere I have put off ordering new castings as long as possible, but there are so many codes now that are out of stock. Its either raise casting money or remove the Amazons from the cart altogether.

All the Dastardly design games Books and miniatures Sets will now be at 30% off until there gone. So if your interested in the hillbillies VS aliens 28mm miniatures sets and rules for It came from beyond the still, or the victorian/steampunk game When the navy Walked books usable in all scales. This is your chance to pick them up at wholesale cost.

in our product lines the 15mm Snakemen and Demons in Armies of Arcana, and all of the Lords of Fantasy and frontier suns codes will be at 40% off. While the 28MM Modern Heroes and Legends of fantasy will be at 50% off.

unfortunately the cart does not offer a coupon system that allows me to select multiple prices or eliminate products from the sale, so you must contact me directly and I will invoice you via paypal. Anyone wanting Amazons (not part of the sale) will need to contact me in advance to be sure there is stock available. I need to raise a minimum of $400.00 USD to pay for the castings needed to get the stocks back to a safe level for this year.

Pm me here or contact me via my most used e-mail address hintzjim at hotmail

I appreciate your help in keeping the doors open until I can find ways of paying for new releases that are years overdue.

James "napthyme" of Lone Gunman Games

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