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7 Posts

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Escaping to Paradise

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2,306 hits since 31 Jan 2018
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Lord Ashram31 Jan 2018 7:19 a.m. PST

Hello all!

While I cannot share a ton of details yet, I am finding myself looking for a group of playtesters for a game that is under development for production.

The game will be a division-level American Civil War tabletop wargame. It will be a somewhat "modernized" game… think a traditional wargame mated with something like FFS's Armada. We are shooting for something that

…is quick to play (end goal is an hour or so)

…reflects some of the "list building/tweaking/upgrading" aspect of modern games that many people enjoy

… focuses on and reflects the personalities of the leaders

…and incorporates what we expect from a Civil War wargame… dismounted cavalry scouting the battlefield, lines of infantry being managed by screaming officers, famous battalions fixing their bayonets and charging into melee… the whole nine yards.

We are looking for several GROUPS of playtesters who would be willing to run a number of versions through the grinder over the next six or so months. We'd ask you to play quite a bit, giving feedback as you go, and trying to push the game to the limits and break it if you can!

There will be a bit of a "payment" for working with us… if you stick with it and do a nice job, we'll repay you in the form of many miniatures!

Anyway… if this is something you are interested in AND feel you can devote time and energy to, please do shoot me an email at

Thanks all!

PeterH31 Jan 2018 7:20 a.m. PST

Anyone know if it is down?

Lord Ashram31 Jan 2018 7:24 a.m. PST

Stupid bug.

PeterH31 Jan 2018 9:15 a.m. PST


Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Jan 2018 11:11 a.m. PST

Know if what is down? Bug makes your post senseless.

PeterH31 Jan 2018 1:13 p.m. PST

The Guild Wargamers site – I linked to it but i presume you will get the same result if you click on it? just trying to figure out what's up

PeterH03 Feb 2018 4:44 a.m. PST

Well I learned that the Guild is no more – very bummed. Loved that forum, so many great modellers of figures and terrain with a large dose of WW2 interest. Gonna miss going on that board several times a day!

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