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"1/100 USMC Cobra for Team Yankee" Topic

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15mm and 28mm Fanatik11 Jan 2018 12:57 p.m. PST

Hello all,

I'm looking to do 2nd Marines for TY and, being a stickler for accuracy, won't settle for the US Army's single-engine flat-paned AH-1S Cobras for CAS.

Is there any company that offers 1/100 twin-engine Sea Cobras or Super Cobras?


freerangeegg11 Jan 2018 2:24 p.m. PST

1/100 diecast supercobras come up quite often on eBay, either Motormax or Armour brand.

Lion in the Stars14 Jan 2018 4:48 a.m. PST

That's the only option I've found, but I have put a bug in the ear of Plastic Soldier Company to make a Cobra kit. They can probably make one kit with ALL the parts.

cool2frog06 Jan 2024 7:36 a.m. PST

Do y'all know if anybody has made a 3d model for printing or a 3d printed model/kit for adapting the battlefront team yankee cobra kit into the USMC variant? Sort of like how there are 3d printed ERA kits to convert the M60 Pattons into the period correct USMC ERA armored M60 Pattons?
I mean, you might not be able to change the cockpit canopy, I'm not sure about that part, but perhaps with some 3d print work and using a sprue cutter to cut off the old single exhaust, you could convert the model to appear as if it is a twin engine variant of the cobra! And perhaps with some thin rounded elements, you might be able to glue them on to the flat canopy to convert it into a rounded canopy even!
So if you guys know of a 3d printed kit or model for 3d printing, that would be awesome. Or, perhaps if you are able, perhaps you might make a 3d printable conversion kit to maybe post on thingiverse? Hint, hint, nudge, nudge…

Col Piron08 Jan 2024 7:04 a.m. PST

Its the same with the Belgian Leo 1BE , they never had extra turret armour , yet BF only offer the the cast turret with extra amour . I ended up getting the turrets 3D printed .

What BF makes :

A real Leo 1BE :

Beingshort321 Feb 2024 1:47 p.m. PST

@15mm and 28mm Fanatik

I know it's the wrong scale, but MiniWings makes both the Sea Cobra and Super Cobra. However, it's in 1/144th scale. Like you, I enjoy more accuracy. I use these for my custom Iran army for TY.



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