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tommyatkins23 Oct 2017 5:23 p.m. PST


I am an old hex & counter wargamer making my first jump into 1/285th scale miniatures tabletop gaming. I was hoping to tap the expertise of this group to determine where I could source 3D terrain for use in 1/285 scale Micro Armor Cold War/Modern Era warfare.

1- Do you have a recommendation on where I could buy gaming mats to represent "typical" European terrain that fit this scale?

2- Do you know of any retailers that sell 6mm buildings that are pre-assembled and painted right out of the box? Or do you use PnP cardstock buildings instead?

3- Where do you buy 6mm scale trees, hedges, scrubs, etc from?

4- Do you use tile systems like Geo-Hex to simulate your tabletop terrain?

Thank you very much in advance for all your help!

Whirlwind23 Oct 2017 6:20 p.m. PST


1 – Cigar Box Battlemats seem to be very popular: link

But making your own isn't difficult, lots of people use mild variations on this method: link

2 – There aren't many I know of, but there are a few ideas here: TMP link

3 – Trees: if you like really nice trees, there are companies like Woodland Scenics: link ; if you are on more of a budget and are happy with "good enough" quality, there are tons of Chinese sellers on eBay.

3 – Hedges and Scrubs: These are so easy that most of the ones I have seen are home made. Just buy some foliage from a model shop and stick them on a base (I use semi-circular wood), or use green pan scourers cut into strips with some drybrushed paint on.

4 – I don't, but plenty of people do. The Geo-Hex looks excellent but fiddly; Hexon seems increasingly popular here in the UK. It does demand a bit of an investment, but as long as you like the hexes, most people seem to think that it is worth it. One of my gaming friends uses it and it makes for really nice but quick set-ups.

All the best

kmahony11124 Oct 2017 3:12 a.m. PST

2. Timecast offer painted versions of their buildings. Not sure about others but you could ask them or commission someone.

3. Woodland scenics, Heki, Nich, K&M Trees, Sam trees and ebay

For hedges and scrub make you own from pan scourers (as suggested)and also woodland scenic clump foliage is good for that scrub/bushes/hedges

I'm got some ideas on hedges here when I made terrain boards.

jefritrout24 Oct 2017 7:08 a.m. PST

If you want trees you could contact TreeGirl who is a 12 year old girl who makes terrain in her spare time (besides doing Algebra homework). E-mail at my username at msn dot com.

Kropotkin30324 Oct 2017 1:40 p.m. PST

Hi Tommy,

GHQ do a lot of 6mm paper buildings for free for Northern Europe. It's more WW2 but there is a good spread of older/newer buildings in any WW3 game I guess.


tommyatkins25 Oct 2017 6:25 a.m. PST

You folks are a great bunch, thank you for sharing your information with me.

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