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Cleburne186301 Oct 2017 3:37 p.m. PST

Historic Imagination is proud to announce the release of a new 2 volume set of scenarios for the campaign and Battle of Chickamauga! In addition, two new ebooks will supplement the release. Chickamauga has always been my favorite battle, and now I feel I can present it for the wargamer in a way I feel it deserves.

Effective immediately, The River of Death: Regimental Wargame Scenarios for The Battle of Chickamauga has been discontinued. On November 4th, it will be replaced by two new scenario books packed with scenarios and information. The scenarios from the old book have been reworked, with new maps and updated information where necessary. Let's face it, my map making and presentation have improved over the years.

A Murderous Fire: Regimental Wargame Scenarios For The Battle of Chickamauga: Sep. 11th – 19th.
Stock #: HI011
ISBN 978-0-9904122-8-1

This book contains 10 scenarios ranging in dates from September 11th and the campaign leading up to the battle, up to dusk of the first day of battle on the 19th. Scenarios include:

Davis' Crossroads*
Leet's Tan Yard*
Surprise at Jay's Mill
McCook's Shooting Star
Liddell's Charge*
Cracking the Center
Viniard Farm
Kingston House
Diversion at Glass Mill
Fury at Dusk

*New or previously only available in periodicals.

Also included is a complete Order of Battle as of dawn on September 19th.

A Terrible Roar: Regimental Wargame Scenarios For The Battle of Chickamauga: Sep. 20th.
Stock #: HI012
ISBN 978-0-9904122-9-8

This book contains 8 scenarios depicting the battle on the final, climactic day.

Kelly Field*
Poe Field
Wood Holds the Line
Sheridan's Stand
Preston Joins the Fight
Stopping Granger*
Horseshoe Ridge
Saving the Hospitals**

*New scenario
**Substantially reworked.

Also included is a complete Order of Battle as of dawn on September 20th, taking into account the major Confederate re-organization and the casualties from the first day of battle.

There will also be two new ebooks released in conjunction with this 2 volume set.

Maps of Chickamauga [HI013] will feature maps in three different scales, for the gamer who wants to design their own scenarios. Also included is a complete Order of Battle for September 19th, as well as a section containing modern battlefield photos from multiple perspectives.

Finally, River of Death Supplement [HI014] is for those who have purchased River of Death and do not wish to spend the money to get the two volume set. It contains just the 5 new scenarios that are not in the original release. This will only be available as an ebook and will not be printed. It will not include an Order of Battle, nor any modern or period photographs.

These books are scheduled to be released on November 4th. Prices to be determined. The two scenario books will be available through and local books stores with the ISBN number. All four will be available for download at Wargame Vault,

I hope everybody enjoys these updated and new scenarios for the western theatre of the Civil War!

Brad Butkovich
Historic Imagination LLC

markandy02 Oct 2017 5:57 a.m. PST

Insta-buy for me…I have all of the scenario books in this series, including River of Death, and they are excellent. Even if you don't ever play the scenarios, the maps, OOB's, and background write-ups are top-notch. I often use the OOB's and maps as a basis for my home brewed grand tactical level scenarios. And as a Georgia native Chickamauga is also my favorite ACW battle…

Rev Zoom02 Oct 2017 6:56 a.m. PST

Even though I have the first release, I look forward to having these new ones also. Excellent work.

Old Wolfman02 Oct 2017 8:16 a.m. PST

Hope it also has Lytle's brigade included,as well as the Kentucky"Orphan" brigade.

Cleburne186302 Oct 2017 1:46 p.m. PST

Hello Wolfman,

Yes, Lytle's brigade is in 3 scenarios. The Orphan Brigade is in 2!

Cleburne186302 Oct 2017 2:11 p.m. PST

Here is the scenario map (with units) or the Davis Cross Roads scenario.

And a look at the Davis House. The original house still stands.

Cleburne186303 Oct 2017 1:41 a.m. PST

Say markandy, do you use any of my Maps of books for scenario generation? I'm just curious.

markandy03 Oct 2017 10:37 a.m. PST

Hey Brad, I don't have any of your map books…I have a pretty big ACW library to draw from for maps. Your OOB's are absolutely brilliant for wargaming and I do like your maps great deal. I have walked all of the ground in your scenario books and I can attest to the fidelity of your cartography! I may pick up the Antietam maps, I have been toying with a writing a BBB scenario for it. Not sure BBB will handle the small Reb forces though…

forwardmarchstudios03 Oct 2017 12:02 p.m. PST

Hi Brad,

First, I'm a huge fan of your website, truly one of the greatest resources for any Horse and Musket player in any period. I would love to see such a treatment for the Napoleonic wars- safly, nothing even close exists. I'll be picking up a copy of your book of maps, certainly.

I actually play on posterframes using maps and kriegspiel blocks; your maps would be idea if they were purchasable as large PDF files that could be printed out on large format pirinters, or using a program that cuts up large files into pieces that fit on standard paper. Have you ever thought about doing something like that? If I could print out a 6x 4 copy of one of your maps that would be a perfect wargaming tool for my purposes.

Also, I'm curious about your elevation markers on the new maps- are they crestlines based on contour intervals or are they actual contour intervals? I'm doing a bunch if experiments with these for my own maps, and am curious how you do so. Thanks!

Cleburne186303 Oct 2017 3:54 p.m. PST

Well markandy, I hope you give Maps of Chickamagua a try, since its your favorite battle as well. :)

Cleburne186303 Oct 2017 3:58 p.m. PST

forward, I have no plans for producing large scale versions of my maps. I'll give it some consideration and see about it in the future.

The crestlines on my maps generally follow actual contours, but not necessarily actual lines. The point is to make the hill resemble the actual thing, while still making it a practical hill that most wargamers can create. Or that will fit into the scenario layout. Layout and scenario design take precedence over strict adherence to the map. Moreso on the vertical axis. I usually don't fudge things on the horizontal. But I'll exaggerate a hill if it works out better.

Cleburne186316 Oct 2017 4:14 a.m. PST

Sent the two books off to the POD publishers. Below is an example of what one of the cover files looks like.

Also, part of the order of battle for the Liddell's Charge scenario.

Cleburne186320 Oct 2017 2:33 a.m. PST

I've sent the books out to the printers. I should be getting physical proofs pretty soon. In the meantime, I've created a free scenario. My favorite part of the battlefield: the initial fight at Jay's Mill.

PDF link

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