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fred218414 Feb 2017 3:47 p.m. PST

Hi there…. I've got some 10mm pendraken falklands figures. I'm wanting a decent set of modern rules to go with em… I don't want mass size battles though….

Joe Legan14 Feb 2017 5:33 p.m. PST

What size of battle do you want?
A platoon with a couple of vehicles? My favorite is force on force. Combat Patrol would work as well and has a free supplement for the Falklands.
Larger will let other folks chime in.


fred218414 Feb 2017 5:36 p.m. PST

Platoon size sounds about right.. I've got the figures just need to work out in what manner to Base em also

Weasel14 Feb 2017 5:49 p.m. PST

Force on Force is generally the favourite.
I have only played a tiny bit but it seems to do very well at the ultra-modern edge of combat.

If you are looking at platoon level and infantry primarily, I might suggest my own No End in Sight rules


They are geared towards following an infantry platoon in a campaign setting but you can do all manner of stuff with them.
They're geared towards cold war more or less.

You can also poke around the freewargamesrules wiki for quite a few different sets of rules that you can download without paying a dime :)

shelldrake14 Feb 2017 7:10 p.m. PST

"No end in sight" or "FiveCore 3rd Edition" are both great choices – they include campaign rules too.

No end in sight is more for a platoon level action as mentioned, and FiveCore lets you play at section/squad level up to platoon.

10mm Wargaming15 Feb 2017 1:59 a.m. PST

If you like Rapid Fire Rules then maybe look at Rapid Fire! 'Able Archer 83-84' Cold War Rules Adaptation. Hope it helps.

Take care


Ben Lacy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2017 6:31 a.m. PST

Take a look at us. If your computer has flash, you can preview the entire book.


creativeguy15 Feb 2017 8:11 a.m. PST


I have the Able Archer rules and I am very tempted…. especially after seeing your forces. I can't decide if I like how the mech infantry is handled or not. On the one hand, not having to collect a ton of APCs is a plus, but the infantry seem a little weak when you look at them in comparison to other elements.

I already have some 3mm forces that I use for 5Core Brigade Commander… and now I am going down the 15mm path and honestly don't know which rules I want to use.

I have, under consideration so far….
Company Command (5Core)
Tank Wreck (just purchased)
Armoured Strike (just purchased)
Able Archer (I have a pdf copy of the Rapid Fire rules)

I know a lot of people like FFOT3… but I just can't bring myself to pull trigger on it price wise. At this point in my life I am all for cheaper (pdf downloads, yay!) and I also want painfully easy as most of the people I can get to game with me are not gamers.

I also wish I had never gotten rid of my copy of GDW's Combined Arms… unfortunately I would have to sell off one of my children to afford it now.

creativeguy15 Feb 2017 9:36 a.m. PST

Just to clarify, I was not the original poster…. I was just throwing my two cents out over what my brain can really handle these days.

For my needs, I want easy to digest with reasonable results… which I think is possible. Also, when I have my non-gaming friends over I want something that I can easily explain to them.

Ben Lacy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2017 9:41 a.m. PST

Terrement… well said… fair enough and I concur. However, Fred2184 just said he wanted "…a descent set of rules…" So, I thought I would provide the link… just in case. :) Ben

fred218415 Feb 2017 9:48 a.m. PST

I definitely don't want overly complicated.. I'm not that clever. I already own force on force so I'll check them out first.. I've heard of combat patrol. I'll have a looksy

Ben Lacy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2017 9:55 a.m. PST

Justin… I accept that MMMW may not be your cup of tea, as they are on the high detail end, but looking at a free preview of the entire book is the best way I know for the consumer to make an informed decision. Good luck in your quest, and thanks for looking. :) Ben

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2017 12:23 p.m. PST

Don't forget that Ben also has a LOAD of scenario books for WWII and Moderns. I own a load of them. They are A number 1!

thumbs up

surdu200515 Feb 2017 1:19 p.m. PST

Thanks for the mention of Combat Patrol, Joe and Terrement. Fred2184, you will find the videos on the rules' Web page give you a pretty good sense for how the game works. Also the basic rules are a free .pdf, so you can review them before investing in the cards or full rules. There are also a number of free supplements with more on the way.


Buck Surdu

Sabresquadron16 Feb 2017 1:52 p.m. PST

Report and discussion on a 10mm Falklands game here:

Info on the rules here:

Weasel16 Feb 2017 9:20 p.m. PST

If you are in doubt about FFT3, I can attest its a solid game.

What you really pay for is the data charts, I think it comes with stats for more vehicles that any other game I can htink of from WW2 until today (and maybe tomorrow)

fred218416 Feb 2017 10:57 p.m. PST

Sorry. Which is FFT3 I can't work it out. Even after going through all the comments.

Weasel17 Feb 2017 10:12 a.m. PST

Fistful of TOWs 3, sorry :)

fred218417 Feb 2017 12:32 p.m. PST

Ah. No worries. Sorry to you too. Thanks tho I shall check em out

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