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"Napoleonic chain of command french vs austrians 1809" Topic

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2,351 hits since 27 Aug 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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R1ch4rd28 Aug 2016 8:40 a.m. PST

A large battle was fought today between French/Italian and Austrian forces, with a total of thirty infantry battalions, four cavalry units and 4 artillery batteries taking the field.

The French assault began in earnest with the right flank sweeping round the trees toward the Austrian left flank, the centre advancing and the Italians pushing forward on the left, with support from the French cavalry.


The Austrians responded to the french advance with fierce fire almost causing the French centre to buckle under the pressure from the long lines of infantry. The austrian left flank saw Jagers and Grenzers engage with the French voltiguers in the woods but with no real damage was taken by either side. Meanwhile, the Austrians on the right flank braced for the oncoming Italians and sent the cavalry ahead to meet the French hussars.


As the French right flank continued to creep round the woods, and the skirmish battle continuing in the tree line, the French centre threw themselves forward in an effort to break the thin ranks of austrians but they found themselves withering under a hail of musket balls, and the assault was stopped in its tracks. In the left the Italian infantry advanced hard on to the Austrian right breaking a regiment of infantry. The cavalry advanced closer but not close enough to charge…


The battle was reaching it's peak, the lines and attack colums were fighting out their own little battles all across the battlefield. The austrian right stalled the French advance on the left flank, the Austrian centre pushed hard on the French centre, breaking another regiment and shaking another so that it fell back in disorder. The austrian right however, wilted under the pressure of the Italians. Unable to see off the infantry, the cavalry charged at full speed toward the French hussars, but the attack was stalled by a ferocious counter charge.

As the day drew to its close, the French pushed hard on the austrian left, reformed their centre and pushed hard with the Italians, breaking a further two regiments and killing a number of commanders. With the right flank all but destroyed and the left under immense pressure, the Austrians conceded defeat and the French took a hard fought victory.


The game was played in 28mm scale, using the too fat lardies chain of command napoleonic rules variant that is currently in beta.

More pictures here:

John de Terre Neuve28 Aug 2016 12:43 p.m. PST

Nice report, but how did it go. How did you find the rules, did you use the latest variant with the modified command rules.


R1ch4rd28 Aug 2016 10:48 p.m. PST

Yeah it was good, it was the 2.6 version of the rules with the new command rules, I hadn't played the previous version, but the guys I played with said that this latest incarnation is the best yet. It certainly provided plenty of dramatic scenes and the battle could have gone either way.

Not A Member Anymore30 Aug 2016 1:20 a.m. PST

As Ric says we were playing with version 2.6 of the rules with the additional change that the Divisional Commander could allocate his command activation dice to a subordinate commander within command range. Ric made good use of that on at least 3 occasions to keep up the pressure across the Austrian lines.

The new rules and play sequence meant there was a lot going on each turn. We introduced 4 new players to the rules, all experienced Wargamers with 2 of them regular Napoleonic players. Given it was our Club Sunday meeting we were able to take our time explaining how the rules worked but we still achieved a conclusion in a reasonable playing time.

The game could have gone either way with the French only some 3 points off their own Force Morale failure. They players all said that they had enjoyed it.

I'll try to post some feedback on the playtest group later.

John de Terre Neuve30 Aug 2016 6:37 a.m. PST

Ahh, it is you John. I will look forward to your posting. The Yahoo site appears to have gone completely dead.


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