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Morpheus197518 Aug 2016 6:45 a.m. PST

Nodal Wars: Skirmish is a primarily 6mm wargame loosely based on many of the Anime cartoons from the mid 1980's. The game takes care to allow players the flexibility to not only play games that are representative of what they had seen on TV and also in movies, but also open enough that they can adapt units from other genres and be able to mix and match forces and let the imagination run wild. Meant to be played with somewhere between 10 and 20 units per player it can easily be scaled up for larger battles.

The rules are based on an alternating activation system. Players will place their forces into squads and alternate with each other. Players will be able to choose how and when to maneuver their forces in order to try to outmaneuver and outperform each other. Players can try to pull each other out of positions where they can finish them off and obtain a win.

The rules are designed in such a way as to allow players to minimize the need to reference the book and any tables within. You may also wish to look into Tactics, a tactical scale version of this ruleset designed to be played with roughly 2-3x the number of figures at a time.


On the above link you can find the rules as well as
Conversions for
Robotech First War
Robotech Masters
Battletech Clans
are all up

I have CAV from their first Kickstarter and also many of the Battletech 3039 mechs done but need to change to the new format for the cards.

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