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"Post-Armada X-wing house rules -more depth to X-Wing" Topic

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GilmoreDK07 Jul 2015 11:19 a.m. PST

Hi All

After i got Armada, X-wing has been sitting on the shelf as i find Armada much more rewarding and the gameplay much more satisfying. This is a shame because X-wing is basically a sound game with nice models. Also: X-wings!

Therefor i have introduced a set of more wargamey rules which we use in the local gaming group – playing narrative campaigns only.

They add some more complexity but A LOT more gameplay depth in terms of meaningfull tacticall choices and more diversity in the gameplay. Feel free to comment..

X-wing house rules

Turreted ships:
Balancing for turreted ships (360 degrees):

1. Turrets do not get +1 attack die as range modification at range 1 when the target is NOT in the front arc .

More tactical choices about positioning and maneuvering which to provide a more tactical more dogfight feeling: These rules apply for primary weapons only.

1. Attackers Front arc fires at defender Rear Arc:
a. Attacker may re-roll 1 attack die (alternatively + 1 attack die)

2. Attakers front arc fires at side arc of defender
a. Defender may re- roll 1 defence die (alternatively + 1 defence die)

More flexibility while adding more consequence from earlier choices = Restricted options to choose maneuvering + inertia .

1. Acceleration and deceleration:
a. When selecting a maneuver you may only select a maneuver with a speed value of up +/- 2 more or less than the last selected maneuver.
i. Example: A Tie interceptor has made a 5 straight maneuver. The next turn it may only select maneuvers with a speed value of 3-5.
b. When performing a boost action add one speed step to the dial.
c. Example: A tie Interceptor moves at speed 3 and takes a boost action – The dial is now turned to show a speed 4 maneuver affecting the speeds available for the next turn.

2. Maneuver selection
a. When you reveal a maneuver, you may rotate your dial to another maneuver with the same speed. Treat that maneuver as a red maneuver.

Note: Same as all ships having a free "Stay on target upgrade" regardless of elite skills etc.

Torpedoes and missiles
Another mechanism and a new role for stand-off weapons.

1) Torpedo and missile range:
a) All Missiles and torpedoes have their max Range expanded with two range bands. ( ie : Proton torpedo now have a range of 2-5.

b) All ships can target lock at a range matching the range of missile weapons carried as long as the weapon is equipped.

2) Torpedo and missile movement
a) Torpedoes and missiles can attack a target within range 3 in the round they are fired.

b) If the target is at range 4-5 a torpedo/missile weapon marker is placed at distance 3 from the ship firing the weapon. The weapon marker is placed in a straight line between the attacker and the defender. Mark the weapon marker and the target with matching target lock markers.
i) In round 2 the torpedo/missile will attack the target if the target is within the remaining range of the weapon. The attack uses the PS of the originating attacking ship in order to determine the order of attacks.
ii) A pilot may not spend any tokens to modify the attack dice on a missile or torpedo attacking in round 2.

Example: A B-wing uses a Proton torpedo (Range 2-5) to attack an incoming TIE Bomber at range 5. In turn 1 a torpedo marker is placed at a distance of range 3 from the B-Wing with a target lock marker on the torpedo and the target. In round 2 the Torpedo attacks the Bomber assuming it is still within range.

c) If a missile weapon completely misses its target during the first round of attack then place the missile marker between the rear guides of the base of the defending ship. The missile is now considered to have used 3 of its total range allowance. The missile will attempt to attack the defender again in the second round of attack if the weapon is still within the remaining range allowance of the missile. This second attack applies to missiles only and not torpedoes. Exeption to this rule: Assault missiles do not turn around for another attack.

Example: A TIE Advanced fires an Ion Pulse missile (range 2-5) at the millennium Falcon. The Falcon succeeds in turning the side to the incoming missile thus doubling the value of the single evade result rolled and by spending an evade token it has a total defense result of 3 evades. The missile misses completely having now used 3 of its total range of 5. A Missile marker is placed between the rear guides of the base of the falcon. During the second round and the missile relentlessly attacks the Falcon again assuming that the Falcon has not moved out of the remaining missile range of 2.

3) Evading torpedoes and missiles
a) If a missile weapon is attacking from the rear arch add 1 attack dice to the attack value of the weapon.
b) If a missile or torpedo weapon is attacking the side arc of a defender then double the value of any evade results rolled when defending.
Example: In turn 2 The TIE Bomber turns the side to the incoming Torpedo in order to better evade. A result of 2 evades is rolled on the 2 defense dice but as the TIE bomber has its side turned this value of each die is doubled to a total result of 4 evades.

Epic ships and defence against missiles

Point defence:
If huge ships are carrying a sensor team and Quad Lasers at the same time they can target missiles and torpedoes within range using the Quad lasers. The incoming weapon is considered to have an agility value of 2 and a hull value of 1.

An incoming missile or torpedo can be jammed using a Jam action if the weapon is within range. Roll 5 attack dice. Each Hit or Crit removes 1 attack die from the incoming weapon. If the attack value is reduced to 0 no attack takes place.
A freguency jammer allows for one more Jam action in the same turn wihin range 1 of the incoming weapon.

Ionization Reactor:
Firing off an ionization reactor destroys all missiles or torps within range.

Stealth100007 Jul 2015 3:48 p.m. PST

Very nice.

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