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von Schwartz21 Oct 2020 2:48 p.m. PST

Maqua has got some moves. That circling thing though is making me dizzy

Well, Dizzier, anyway.

Bashytubits21 Oct 2020 4:09 p.m. PST

Magua has something to say to you, grey hair…

Silent Pool21 Oct 2020 10:23 p.m. PST


I did try to warn you. Aargh ….!

Silent Pool21 Oct 2020 10:29 p.m. PST


You have no heart, Burpingchewbits. And besides …

Silent Pool21 Oct 2020 10:31 p.m. PST


…my hair colour is ash blond. Ash blond, not grey.

Bashytubits22 Oct 2020 5:30 a.m. PST

Yeah whatever, yada, yada…..

My eyes still smart from all that shine, sea who rages about folicles or lack thereof

The shining sea, yeah go with that, hehe.
Oh one more thing, who throws cute chicks off cliffs because of a bald spot, that's not right. Chingachgook is gonna get you.

Silent Pool22 Oct 2020 9:01 a.m. PST

Chingachgook is gonna get you.

Yeah, well, I've been grabbed by the Pawnees before!


Bashytubits22 Oct 2020 9:09 a.m. PST

So after you pawned your stuff did you get any of it back?

Silent Pool22 Oct 2020 12:01 p.m. PST


Just admit it. I have The Last Word on TMP. Say it!

von Schwartz22 Oct 2020 3:45 p.m. PST


BTW, that crack about the grey hair….at least I still have some!!!

Bashytubits22 Oct 2020 4:29 p.m. PST

Not to bring logic into it, but if I say it doesn't that give me the "last word"?

Silent Pool22 Oct 2020 11:07 p.m. PST

Aargh! You've been put on this planet to destroy me …

Bashytubits23 Oct 2020 5:27 a.m. PST

Volleyfire26 Oct 2020 3:57 a.m. PST

Ziss ist verr gut!! I hafn't laughed zo much since Goebbels fell over his club foot.

Silent Pool26 Oct 2020 11:04 a.m. PST


Ah, mein Volleyfuhrer. Now you're the sensible one. At last …

Silent Pool26 Oct 2020 11:07 a.m. PST

Uh-Ooh, reality check!


von Schwartz26 Oct 2020 4:19 p.m. PST

Yeah, well, I've been grabbed by the Pawnees before!

Well, that DOES explain the limp!

Bashytubits28 Oct 2020 9:08 a.m. PST

14Bore31 Oct 2020 4:06 a.m. PST

Try again
Zombie Pumkin apocalypse

14Bore31 Oct 2020 4:07 a.m. PST


Bashytubits31 Oct 2020 7:39 a.m. PST

Now that's just nuts….

Silent Pool01 Nov 2020 3:54 a.m. PST


No nuts around here, Burphytwopints. Hold it together, man.

Bashytubits01 Nov 2020 7:19 a.m. PST

Open your eyes man!

The sea who rages about almost anything has once again revealed one of his fetishes, big orange butts,


If you keep flaking out it won't end well.

14Bore02 Nov 2020 11:25 a.m. PST


von Schwartz02 Nov 2020 3:48 p.m. PST

Like I've been saying, COVID sounds scarier than the Wuhan Flu. Could'nt incite a pandemic panic with a name like Wuhan Flu, people would laugh at you.

Bashytubits06 Nov 2020 1:42 a.m. PST

Von Schwartz, the last word? Nope.

von Schwartz06 Nov 2020 3:54 p.m. PST

His gunner is down? Try Cialis

Bashytubits06 Nov 2020 10:13 p.m. PST

Silent Pool07 Nov 2020 2:13 a.m. PST


– …and then he said to von, of all people, what don't you understand about ‘Aggg Roo Ragg Roooogghh!

– oh, Captain, you're such an amazing, clever, fun, and let us not forget fertile, best Captain ever!

Bashytubits07 Nov 2020 7:12 a.m. PST

The sea who loves pumpkin butts, you have such funny hallucinations…

Silent Pool07 Nov 2020 9:04 a.m. PST


At least The Sea got the Last Word

Silent Pool07 Nov 2020 9:06 a.m. PST


Darn right The Sea did!

Silent Pool07 Nov 2020 9:11 a.m. PST


Affirmative, Captain. It is what it is!

Bashytubits07 Nov 2020 12:16 p.m. PST

Do tell, do tell, phasors to roast….

You sure have shown me up…

You are one Wile E. coyote.

Oh, btw have a nice trip.

von Schwartz07 Nov 2020 4:57 p.m. PST

Quick some get an arm cast for sea, I think he strained himself patting himself on the back.

Bashytubits07 Nov 2020 9:05 p.m. PST

"Good. A woman who can fart is not dead."

— Louise-Marie-Thérèse de Saint Maurice, Comtesse de Vercellis (after letting one rip)

Silent Pool08 Nov 2020 2:19 a.m. PST


Naughty, Naughty, Bashy! I pretend to be dead near you for a reason. Just love cauliflower though!

Bashytubits08 Nov 2020 5:37 a.m. PST

"This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do."

— Oscar Wilde, author

Everyone knows cigars are not good for you and one other thing your idea has a hole in it…

Volleyfire09 Nov 2020 12:35 p.m. PST

oh, Captain, you're such an amazing, clever, fun, and let us not forget fertile, best Captain ever!

Und under der vigg he ist bald as ein badgers orange pumpkin.

von Schwartz09 Nov 2020 6:07 p.m. PST

And short too!

Silent Pool10 Nov 2020 8:11 a.m. PST

Short! You're joking me, yeah? For sure …


Silent Pool10 Nov 2020 8:13 a.m. PST

Bald? Herr Mann, I practically give my hair away I have so much!


Silent Pool10 Nov 2020 8:17 a.m. PST


And relax. Relax from everything and everyone. And remember, you are worth it. You are worth it …

Bashytubits11 Nov 2020 10:59 a.m. PST

I followed your advice, relaxed and found a life size image of the shining sea. Who knew?

Silent Pool11 Nov 2020 2:40 p.m. PST


Admit I have The Last Word, Burpy, or the moggie gets it …!

Silent Pool11 Nov 2020 2:45 p.m. PST


Bashytubits11 Nov 2020 7:25 p.m. PST

Your link….

Also, why do you only have 3 fingers? Did a Klingon eat one?

14Bore13 Nov 2020 11:58 a.m. PST

10 year anniversary, thanks for all the help guys

von Schwartz13 Nov 2020 12:50 p.m. PST

Why are none of the pics coming through?

Silent Pool13 Nov 2020 3:24 p.m. PST


Ten years – congratulations! And to think that 10 years ago you were a little bore but now you're …well, 14!

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