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"Games Workshop store in Edinburgh re-branded as Warhammer" Topic

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4,193 hits since 13 Oct 2014
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legatushedlius13 Oct 2014 4:30 a.m. PST

My daughter took some pictures yesterday. One of three so far.


Frothers Did It And Ran Away13 Oct 2014 5:15 a.m. PST

I can't help but think GW are utterly confused about what could be causing their financial woes and are willing to try literally anything in the hope they'll stumble across the magic bullet that will restore them to glory.

Skeptic13 Oct 2014 5:34 a.m. PST

I saw it on your blog, LH, but thanks for posting here, too. It does seem curious – might they be rebranding towards the high end of the high street?

FreddBloggs13 Oct 2014 5:52 a.m. PST

Actually it makes them look like Waterstones… Possibly not a good look with their issues on the high street!

Lupulus13 Oct 2014 8:12 a.m. PST

I can understand this move – there are many companies having changed their name to be the same as their most successful product.

Warhammer is a more well-known name among the game-muggles than Games Workshop.

Privateer4hire13 Oct 2014 8:45 a.m. PST

They're not confused about what's caused their problems at all. Their senior folks will continue to dine on golden goose left overs until the gravy train slows down too much for their preference. They'll step off said train without even having to pop golden parachutes and move on to whatever they want to do next.

Tacitus13 Oct 2014 9:59 a.m. PST

I never liked the colors and font of the current Games Workshop logo. The new one looks better, but I don't get the name change.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2014 10:52 a.m. PST
MechanicalHorizon13 Oct 2014 10:57 a.m. PST

I kinda like the new storefront, make it look very "old-timey"

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2014 11:00 a.m. PST

From a side conversation on the link I provided:

"Games Workshop: Edinburgh
9 hours ago
Ok so I see that the web is asking a lot of questions due to the "Warhammer" rebranding we have done, so let me explain.

After almost 26 years here in Edinburgh we have changed the name on the front of the shop.

Nothing else changes, everything we did we will keep doing! Just the name changes.

I'm hopeful that most of you will agree it makes sense, we get called "The Warhammer Shop" ALL THE TIME, so we are joining in!

Its only a trial to see if it makes any difference to us, and its only being done in 3 shops, here, Chiswick and Bath, if we feel like it works it MAY get rolled out one day…but don't expect to see it anywhere else for a long time…so there you go, goodbye Games Workshop Edinburgh…Hello The Warhammer Shop!

I'm interested in your thoughts and reactions if you have any, if so comment away below.

ps. We will still be celebrating our 26th Birthday on 1st November…who says I can't have my cake and eat it!"

War Panda13 Oct 2014 11:14 a.m. PST

I think it makes more sense to be honest; I'd imagine the name itself has more appeal to a younger and as mentioned the olde world brand looks very effective

normsmith13 Oct 2014 9:49 p.m. PST

In the UK the high street retail sector is particularly hard hit by internet selling, so it is understandable that shops change and transform to stay in business.

Both GW and Warhammer are strong brand names, so a change of name is both innovative and brave, so good luck to them for trying. It will be interesting to see how that change helps or hurts Internet searching.

I do not buy their systems, I do buy paints etc. but whenever I meet anyone who discovers I do wargames they always say 'what like Warhammer' or 'What, like Risk'. So I suppose in that regard the shop does have a point.

Dr Mathias Fezian14 Oct 2014 4:20 p.m. PST

All Games Workshop would need to do for some serious cash flow is release a set of updated but faithful to the source Beakie Space Marines.

Marc the plastics fan15 Oct 2014 5:17 a.m. PST

But where will I buy LotR figures now, as they are most definitely not allowed to sell them under Warhammer branding grin

madaxeman20 Oct 2014 3:14 a.m. PST

Aaaah – I saw the one in Chiswick at the weekend and wondered if it was a major rollout. FWIW the "new" look is not so much a logo, more a typeface – not much effort seems to have gone into it.

Maybe their one-person stores were losing a lot of time with confused folks wandering in asking t9o buy PS4 and X-Box games…

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