ScottWashburn  | 03 Nov 2013 1:54 p.m. PST |
Following up on our acclaimed Vauban 4 and 5 sided Star Forts and Outer Defensive Works, PaperTerrain is proud to announce the release of our new range of Vauban City Wall kits. With these kits you will no longer be constrained to the rigid geometry of the star forts. You can buy the bastions and walls you need and then connect them with corner pieces of various angles, add gate houses and Demi-Lunes to create almost any Vauban fortress you can imagine. Combined with the Outer Defensive Work set you will have a fortress that will be the pride of your gaming table.
The PaperTerrain Vauban City Walls comprise seven different kits: Vauban City Gates
Wall Corners – These come in four different angles with both ‘inside' and outside' bends.
Bastions – These bastions are identical to those found in our 4 and 5ided star fort kits. If you already own them they are fully compatible with the City Walls kits
Bastion Connectors – If you do use the bastions from the star fort kits you will need these special connector pieces to use the bastions with the City Walls
Walls – The walls come in various lengths
Walkway Expansions – The walkways on our walls may prove a little narrow for figures based in two ranks. The expansion kits allow you to increase the depths of the walkways so you troops will have secure footing
All these kits are available in 10/12mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25/28mm scales and in either brick or stone finishes. We also offer a free set of templates that have the footprints (outlines) of all the different components of the City Walls kits. You can download these templates, print them, cut them out and use them to plan out your fortress so you will know exactly what to buy. The templates are available for download from our website (as of 11-11-13) or right now by e-mailing PaperTerrain. |
John the OFM  | 03 Nov 2013 2:07 p.m. PST |
ScottWashburn  | 03 Nov 2013 2:21 p.m. PST |
Thanks, John! Oh, and the usual disclaimer: The buildings inside the walls are sold separately and the figures and landscaping are not included :) |
ScottWashburn  | 03 Nov 2013 3:06 p.m. PST |
M C MonkeyDew | 03 Nov 2013 3:57 p.m. PST |
WOW! Nicely done. I've lost my mojo for large scale paper builds but that is nice. I could definitely see recreating the storming of Badajoz with these. Bob |
John the OFM  | 03 Nov 2013 4:10 p.m. PST |
I am not a deranged megalomaniac, no sir. I always wanted to do Namur in 25mm
Or Lille. |
Gonsalvo | 03 Nov 2013 5:53 p.m. PST |
Very nice addiotions to the line indeed! |
James Wood | 04 Nov 2013 2:56 p.m. PST |
Now we need a good set of rules for Vauban type sieges. Rules that would play an entire siege in under an hour. But with paper terrain how do you represent a breached wall? |
ferg981 | 04 Nov 2013 2:59 p.m. PST |
James Just punch the wall section you want breached. Job done F |
ScottWashburn  | 04 Nov 2013 3:28 p.m. PST |
You can make breaches in paper models, you just have to do it carefully and treat it like you would any other modeling project. Here are some breaches I built for a commission job I did. The walls of the City of Delhi (you may have seen the game at Historicon this summer).
The walls are paper. For the breached sections I cut out foam insulation board to the proper size and shape and filled the wall section with it. Then I just cut out the breach and made some rubble out of the left over foam. Paint it and there you are. I will have to put up a tutorial on how to do it on my website. |
DinOfBattle2 | 04 Nov 2013 3:41 p.m. PST |
Fantastic Scott! Love the breach too! I've started to pack my "cart" with Vauban fortifications! Thanks for doing all this great work! Eric Burgess PS – My Vauban's Wars siege rules can do a complete siege, in 3 to 4 hours. A little longer if you want to play an Assault. |
John the OFM  | 05 Nov 2013 3:56 p.m. PST |
Christopher Duffy's "Fire and Stone" link is ahistory of "modern" siege warfare, with particular reference to the wonders of Vaubun and Coehorn. The last part of the book has some simple rules for conducting a siege wargame. Warfare in the Age of Reason also has a siege section. |
E Muilwijk | 08 Nov 2013 2:37 a.m. PST |
Ooooh! On the wishlist ;-) |
Daniel | 08 Nov 2013 12:36 p.m. PST |
Perfect Captain: Siege! are very good rules and free online |
Der Alte Fritz  | 28 Nov 2015 4:19 p.m. PST |
Very attractive set of models. |
DHautpol | 30 Nov 2015 4:19 a.m. PST |
Ottoathome | 30 Nov 2015 11:07 p.m. PST |
Dear List Very nicely done. I always wanted to do sieges, but two things inhibeted me. First was the model making of the fort and extreme complexity of the same, as the number of models and angles created show. The second part was that the rules I had run across, including Siege! Never really encompassed "the march of the siege" which involved the slow digging of saps and the various gambits and stratagems of he siege worked out over a long period of time. Even Siege! seemed to me to be primarily an assault game. That's why I made my own rules, suited to my OGABAS set up and called "Have I ever told you How the Vienese Bakers Saved Western Civilization!" This comes from an epic tale made by one of our gamers at "The Weekend" and made even more epic by the interruptions and spinnings out of the audience when the raconteur told it.
The other half, the modeling had to fit in with my OGABAS hex terrain system. The terrain is all on hexes, but the game is an open movement game and not based on the hexes. I realized that the rules would have to be enormously complex if I made allowance for every different style and angle of fortification and this I did not want to do. So I basically consolidated all of them to the hex system and made general rules of fire and angles and which hex could fire on which hex (depending on the internal form of the hex which GENERALLY showed the trace of the fortress, and accruing every possible benefit to the defender. Now that I have the rules I am working on the fortification and sap and trench hexes. The game is basically one of sapping through the glacis and contado hexes of he fortress to create paralells, batteries, and places of arms in preparation of mounting the breeching batteries on the mined out covered way etc. There are ploys and strategies the defender can use to bring in more supplies or raid the enemy and so forth. This made me violate my 12/12 rule (12 pages, 12 point times Roman print, and I went to 14 pages, but I can probably do more. I have to wait to playtest them till I make the 32 hexes of trench, sap, battery and parallel hexes the covered way hexes and the masonry hexes, but that's only a matter of time. The visual hook of he game is the neat lines of the unbesieged fortress and the slow working towards it, replacing the smooth glacis hexes with the sap and trench hexes and eventually surmounting the covered way. Otto |
EagleFarm | 30 Nov 2015 11:36 p.m. PST |
A magazine article that has always stuck in my head is the "Siege of Dendermonde" in the Battle magazine. link or for the PDF of the full article: PDF link This terrain makes it a bit more possible to redo! (I find it extremely depressing this article was written in 1977 – god I am getting old!) |
Belisarius | 11 Dec 2015 7:11 a.m. PST |
Those are nice. Now need the space to do the Fortress of Lily. |
JD Lee | 11 Dec 2015 7:45 a.m. PST |
Kenneth Portner | 11 Dec 2015 10:35 a.m. PST |
A magazine article that has always stuck in my head is the "Siege of Dendermonde" in the Battle magazine. Wow, that reference evokes some memories. Way back then I was just discovering wargarming which seemed to me to an exotic, mysterious hobby from across the pond. I remember reading the Dendermonde articles over and over and marvelling at them. |
Hampshire Hog | 11 Dec 2015 11:07 a.m. PST |
I was lucky enough to see the actual wargame setup of Dendermonde at Ron Miles's house. He was one of the original members of our wargames group that used to meet at Tony Bath's house every week. I'm getting old too! :( |
paperbattles | 19 Dec 2015 3:14 a.m. PST |
Well Scott, this walls are really great. Actually I already bought from you your bastions and I confirm they are great! I added my papersoldiers to make them complete and cheap ciao link |
deadhead  | 19 Dec 2015 9:04 a.m. PST |
I'll be honest. I thought paper soldiers sounded a daft idea. I nearly just moved on without opening the link. I could not have imagined how superb they would look and especially in a 1:1 ratio wargames display like this. Extremely impressive! |
paperbattles | 19 Dec 2015 4:15 p.m. PST |
Thanks deadhead. I am very glad you changed your opinion about paper soldiers and their use for wargaming. My opinion, it's the very unique way to recreate the 1:1 ratio battles and to have a view of the battlefield as Napoleon or Fredrich actually had. I will post some new pictures with more figures. Ciao! |
spontoon | 19 Dec 2015 6:02 p.m. PST |