Game one of our BGO campaign rules test, The Farm at Sagy;
Initial German campaign forces;
Initial British Campaign forces;
Results of a vicious slugfest over the farm
The engagement at Sagy Farm was a slow building, but violent affair one afternoon in early June 1944. British troops from the Glousters cautiously approached the area to be met by patrolling forces from Panzer Lehr. The two small forces fought a sharp action for possession of the farm, its main barn changing hands four times as each side tried to hold it as a lynch pin to success on the battlefield. As it was, both sides battered themselves to a standstill and after sustaining substantial losses, its was the loss of a second Churchill that saw British forces finally withdraw. However the German forces had suffered heavily too and they pulled back to lick their wounds, unable to replace their losses as easily as the enemy
German Slight Victory – British Morale Broken
Campaign victory points to Germans – 0 (26BR vs 26BR)
German casualties;
16 wia from platoon – 7 are Kia
8 wia from Recce Patrol – 2 are Kia
1 StuG IIIG -Destroyed
9 Replacement infantry received, no replacement vehicle.
German Experience
2 StuG IIIG – Both become veteran
Platoon Command – Become Veteran
Rifle Section – Become Veteran
British Casualties
Infantry Platoon 28 WIA – 10 KIA
Recce Patrol 2 WIA – No KIA
Churchill Squadron 2 knocked out – Both returned to service
Replacement – 10 Infantry
British Experience
Rifle Section – Remains Regular
Churchill – Remains Regular
Recce Patrol – Becomes Veteran
As can be seen, both sides took heavy losses and both sides used their Senior Officer ability to gain extra replacements to fill out the infantry platoons. The British were able to recover both Churchills and they were 'replaced' ready for the next game, the Germans were not so lucky and their knocked-out StuG was a write-off. However the Germans came out on top with more troops gaining upgrades to Veteran, including both remaining StuG crews
So the decision is now whether to keep the StuG unit, with less tanks but more experienced crews, or replace them with a 'green' unit
I think keeping them is liable to be the better option and hope a replacement tank turns up later on in the campaign!