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1,928 hits since 19 Jun 2013
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Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 6:25 a.m. PST



We're incredibly happy to announce the release of our newest set – and the beginning of an entirely new Core Force for ALIEN WAR! The Imperial Chinese Militia are here!

Imperial China is the largest nation on Earth and holds the largest number of off world colonies spread primarily in the China Arm but scattered throughout Human Space.

Fueled by China's aggressive 10-child policy for ethnic Han Chinese and 5-child polices for African, Latin American, and other Asian dependents (the so-called Free People's Coaltion for Mutual Benefit), China's colonies are also the most populous.

To protect those territories, the Emperor has at His disposal a massive military. Leading it are the Emperor's own descendants – the children, grandchildren, and great-great-great grandchildren of His massive family (currently estimated to be over 150,000 direct descendants in 8 generations). Not every member of the First Family is career military but most serve their time at one point or another. The most famous, or infamous, being the Tigress. Although there are exceptions, First Family members generally lead their forces from the cockpits of China's advanced Mechs and Hardsuit mechanized infantry.

At the core of the Imperial Army is the modern, professional Regular Army. Equipped with the latest equipment, armor, and weaponry, Regular Army units can be found leading planetary invasions or engaged in the defense of the most important colony worlds.

But the vast bulk of the Imperial Army is made up of the Militia. Numbering in the millions, Imperial Chinese Militia are the glue that hold the Empire together. Typically led by Han Chinese officers and NCOs and with a Political Commissar overseeing each 20-man squad, the bulk of the Militia are made up of Asian, African, and Latin American subjects.

Milita are full time troops – primarily volunteers – who serve eight year enlistments. Typically raised from the local populace of the colony world they serve on, in rare cases Imperial Militia serve as front line forces along with the Regular Army in situations where high casualties are expected.

A standard Militia rifle squad (part of a larger platoon) is made up of 20 troops. The squad is led by a Sergeant (Zhong Shi) and a Political Commissar. The remaining 18 men are divided into two sections.

The Assault Section is led by a Corporal (Xia Shi) and consists of ten riflemen. Riflemen are equipped with the QBZ-29 – a standard assault rifle featuring a front-situated 30-round banana clip with 5.8mm caseless ammunition. Introduced in 2229, the QBZ-29 has seen service in Imperial forces for over 30 years and has recently been replaced by a new rifle in the Regular Army.

The Fire Support Section consists of two heavy machine gun teams utilizing the QJY-48, China's relatively new general purpose MG, which also fires the standard 5.8mm caseless round. The section is led by a Corporal (Xia Shi) with two additional riflemen providing security. These last two also serve as additional ammunition bearers.

The set features loads of parts to build out a full 20-man squad for $29.95 USD. We're also doing specials on 4 and 10-box sets to allow people to build up their Chinese army quickly.




Chinese heavy weapons team takes aim with the QJY-48 general purpose machine gun


A pair of Imperial Chinese Militia take cover behind shipping containers when separated from their squad during the Battle of Port Bayeux on Calédonie.

Earl of the North19 Jun 2013 6:56 a.m. PST

Lovely, now if I could only find some in stock somewhere in the UK……as well as anything else you produce. wink

Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 7:05 a.m. PST

Hi Earl – Wayland has a load of our stuff arriving shortly. And Javis distributes to many stores in the UK. You might inquire with them to see if your local shop has an account:

Chinese are available from us right now – we have boxes being done so that we can package them for retailers – should be in 2-3 weeks. Direct orders are starting to ship out today.

We are also offering $5.95 USD shipping worldwide – or free for orders of $99 USD or more!


Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 7:21 a.m. PST

I forgot to mention that these were sculpted by the wonderful Bob Naismith!

Earl of the North19 Jun 2013 7:21 a.m. PST

Hi Tony, I'm waiting on Wayland getting some stock in I managed to pick up three boxes of the Marines from a couple of places (Modelhobbies & Caliver) really like your stuff just wish it was easier to source over here.

Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 7:29 a.m. PST

Hi Earl – we had a hold on shipping to distribution while we fixed our production process. So it's really only been the last few weeks that the Germans have been available to wider distribution.

Now that we have the "factory" running at a good clip we are moving other sets into wholesale distribution – the Aleutian Swamp Worms and the Chinese will be in boxes in the next couple weeks. Followed by a plastic terrain set. And then we're going to release the German Mech, UAMC Hardsuits, and Female Marines.

So by the end of the summer you should be seeing our sets in a lot more places.

Dr Mathias Fezian19 Jun 2013 8:15 a.m. PST

What type of glue should be used on these figures?

Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 8:20 a.m. PST

Hi Matt – we recommend using CA/superglue. The brand I personally like is Loctite in the green bottle but pretty much any superglue works fine.

One of the things we did with this set was design the figures to be assembled quite quickly.

You get a mix of five unique bodies – two of them have the weapon arms already attached so you only need to choose a head.

With the other three armless/headless bodies – a lot of them will be kitted out with the standard Chinese rifle which comes molded with the two arms attached. So it's a really simple glue job and you don't have to lineup the right and left arms.

Here are the bodies:


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP19 Jun 2013 8:27 a.m. PST

Great looking minis and interesting backstory – love the "10 child" policy!

Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 8:39 a.m. PST

Thanks Frederick – we're really looking forward to all the new releases we have coming so we can flesh it out more. There's a LOT to introduce!

Earl of the North19 Jun 2013 9:04 a.m. PST

I would have prefered hard plastic, but I'll use plastic-resin….one tip I picked up if your having trouble attaching arms you can use a little bit of blue tac (the blue tac dries hard with super glue).

Does anybody else think the chinese helmet has a star wars rebel trooper look about it?

the Aleutian Swamp Worms
I may pick up a box as local wildlife
and the Chinese will be in boxes in the next couple weeks.
Maybe see these over here in a month or so, I would like some to face off against the marines
Followed by a plastic terrain set.
hmmmm interesting
And then we're going to release the German Mech, UAMC Hardsuits, and Female Marines.
Looking forward to each of those, all of which could be useful enlarging my army company (I'm leaning towards using them as US Army Rangers instead of Marines).
You get a mix of five unique bodies – two of them have the weapon arms already attached so you only need to choose a head.

With the other three armless/headless bodies – a lot of them will be kitted out with the standard Chinese rifle which comes molded with the two arms attached. So it's a really simple glue job and you don't have to lineup the right and left arms.

EM4 miniatures do something similar with their metal weapon arms for their plastic trooper/gangers, much easier to attach than fiddling with two arms and superglue.

emckinney19 Jun 2013 10:38 a.m. PST

"Does anybody else think the chinese helmet has a star wars rebel trooper look about it?"

I initially thought, "Death Star trooper!," but you're right, it's Rebel-style.

Lion in the Stars19 Jun 2013 10:44 a.m. PST

Does anybody else think the chinese helmet has a star wars rebel trooper look about it?
First thought through my mind when I saw it.

Defiance Games19 Jun 2013 11:24 a.m. PST

It's actually a dual influence. One part Tantive IV crew and one part Battletech/mech warrior Kurita infantry.

The Cuban style cap heads also help turn these into modern era 3rd world infantry. With a little fudging of the armor plates!

Defiance Games20 Jun 2013 6:36 p.m. PST

Here's a new shot of the bodies in the set:


Defiance Games21 Jun 2013 6:06 p.m. PST

He always dreamed of being one of the Dare to Die Troops…


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