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Kealios26 Mar 2013 9:33 p.m. PST

In looking to start playing Mayhem, I am looking into available 10mm ranges of fantasy figures. I would prefer 6mm, but most of my friends have Warmaster minis already, so unless I ignore that trend, 10mm it is.

I am familiar with
Eureka: link
Copplestone (all 2 factions): link
Games Workshop: link

Any others? It doesnt seem like many options, given the amount of time 10mm fantasy has been around. What am I missing? Thanks!

darthfozzywig26 Mar 2013 9:53 p.m. PST

Don't forget historical 10mm lines as well. Lots of good options for fantasy armies there as well. I'm a big fan of Old Glory's 10mm range: link

Really nice minis and incredibly affordable, especially with the Old Glory Army card.

It's a really fun scale for massed armies. They paint up quickly and look great on the tabletop.

Cyclops26 Mar 2013 10:47 p.m. PST

There's a historical range as well with a lot more human options (HYW, WotR etc).

Steve W27 Mar 2013 12:40 a.m. PST

Irregular and Magister Militum both have 10mm fantasy ranges as well

Landorl27 Mar 2013 4:57 a.m. PST

GFI/Minifigs USA had a nice range of figs if they ever come back into production.

charliemike27 Mar 2013 6:08 a.m. PST

Warrior Miniatures too has a 10mm fantasy range.

Kealios27 Mar 2013 8:55 a.m. PST

Thanks, all! Appreciate the input!

As an aside, Im assuming 15mm would give me more variety? Or is 10mm pretty much "the norm"?

MicroWorld Games27 Mar 2013 3:30 p.m. PST

Personally, I think you should go with your first impulse and do 6mm, but then again, I am biased :P


15mm does have some great stuff as well. Splintered Light has good monsters and a nice mix of unique stuff and classic fantasy stuff, all of which is good quality.

You also have all of the Demonworld stuff. I don't personally own any, but it looks really nice online. I think there was a polish company that just started out with some new dwarves in 15mm, and I think Scibor was venturing into it as well. Copplestone has some nice 15mm barbarian types too.

Kealios27 Mar 2013 7:11 p.m. PST

Microworld, you KNOW I drool over your sci-fi stuff on a regular basis, and if I was starting out with no friends already invested in 10mm, you'd be my first stop! You need MORE for your ranges, though. I was shopping Wood Elves, and you have neat stuff but more variety within the ranges is good too :)

Anyway…I think 10mm it is, which is kind of a bummer…

Leon Pendraken Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Mar 2013 1:07 a.m. PST

Anyway…I think 10mm it is, which is kind of a bummer…

It's not a bummer! :)

Bombshell Games sponsored one of the categories in our Painting Competition this year, Mayhem looks like a good game.



Ooh Rah28 Mar 2013 4:21 p.m. PST

The Warrior Miniatures link didn't work for me. This link should go directly to their 10mm page.


Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2013 1:36 p.m. PST

If you don't want to do 10mm, by all means, don't do it. Do what makes *you* happy.

But don't think 10mm armies are unattractive or lesser; as Leon's pics reveal, they clearly are neither (except in size).

Even a "get 'em on the tabletop" standard can look terrific with 10mm figures. They're my favorite scale— easy to paint, yet still nicely detailed, and an army looks like an army, rather than a glorified panty raid.

Here are some pics of my GW Battle of Five Armies figs that I painted several years ago. Even without any basing work, I think they highlight the advantages of 10mm well:




And that's from a strictly amateur painter, with not even a wash applied, and done on one of the smallest 10mm lines.

As to other fantasy lines, I have some of Kallistra's orcs, which are quite nice, and Copplestone's Horse Tribes, Half-Orcs, Trolls, Heroes and Evil Characters, all of which are exceptional. I also have GW's Warmaster lines for Dwarves, Orcs, Empire and Chaos, which are of course extremely detailed and terrific. I haven't tried anyone else's yet, but I'm eyeing Magister Militum's historical lines as a possible source for stand-ins for Haradrim and Southron armies (perhaps Sassanid Persia for the former)?

So give 10mm a whirl— I think you'll be surprised at how much you end up liking the size.

Kealios01 Apr 2013 12:21 p.m. PST

I should have clarified that I am a 6mm Sci-Fi guy. I love the small stuff. I just see 10mm as that bastard between 6mm and 15mm…and I already own both 6 and 15mm terrain…that was my main hesitation.

Besides, ya gotta collect what your mates play, right?

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