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"BT Rhino Tank to Dirtside Stats" Topic

4 Posts

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2,227 hits since 7 Mar 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian07 Mar 2013 1:02 p.m. PST

As far as I can tell, Iron Wind Metals still makes the original Rhino for BattleTech: link


According to the fluff, the Rhino was intended as a missile carrier with some armor. Powered by a fusion engine. Extremely slow. Armed with missiles (20 'tubes' in the hull front; four more on the turret front) and lasers (three on turret).

Rhino Tank

Equipment Item VSP : BVP Spaces Cost

Vehicle, class 4 20 : 0 20 20
Armor class 4 20 : 36 20 36
Fusion Generation Plant 20 : 36 20 58
Slow tracked 20 : 36 20 65
1 class 5 SLAM in Fixed mount 20 : 36 10 125
with Basic fire control 20 : 36 10 135
3 class 1 HEL's in
Full traverse turret 20 : 36 4 171

I took the three lasers as three separate weapons; you could cost it as a single larger laser, and just say that the three lasers work "like that."

There's also (in the fluff) a Royal Rhino, with better ECM and anti-air systems:

Equipment Item                   VSP : BVP     Spaces   Cost

Vehicle, class 4 20 : 0 20 20
Armor class 4 20 : 36 20 36
Fusion Generation Plant 20 : 36 20 58
Slow tracked 20 : 36 20 65
1 class 5 SLAM in Fixed mount 20 : 36 10 125
with Enhanced fire control 20 : 36 10 145
3 class 1 HEL's in
Full traverse turret 20 : 36 4 181
1 APSW 20 : 36 4 181
Basic ECM 20 : 36 4 196
Local air defence 20 : 36 2 271

kreoseus208 Mar 2013 5:10 p.m. PST

I would combine the three barrells into 1 class 3. 3 class 1 shots will be slow and usually pointless, especially if the target has reactive armour.


Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian08 Mar 2013 7:34 p.m. PST

I would combine the three barrels into 1 class 3.

Easily done…

Equipment Item                    VSP : BVP     Spaces   Cost

Vehicle, class 4 20 : 0 20 20
Armor class 4 20 : 36 20 36
Fusion Generation Plant 20 : 36 20 58
Slow tracked 20 : 36 20 65
1 class 5 SLAM in Fixed mount 20 : 36 10 125
with Basic fire control 20 : 36 10 135
1 class 3 HEL in
Full traverse turret 20 : 36 4 171
1 APSW 20 : 36 4 171

Covert Walrus08 Mar 2013 8:44 p.m. PST

Nice specifications on the model, sir :)

Tracked vehicles armed with HELs are a really good idea in DS2 as they make up for slower movement and inability to cross certain areas by having a great reach with the weapons.

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