Gazzola | 29 Dec 2012 6:31 p.m. PST |
You'd think I would have had enough of anything German with the recent run on the hot topics of the non-existent state of Germany and the paper Holy Roman Empire, but thankfully, this is an interesting topic. Has anyone read Digby Smith's latest title on the Confederation of the Rhine troops in Spain. I think the title is Napoleon's German Division in Spain. Does anyone like it? Are the small battles and skimishing actions explained in detail or just short paragraphs or a mix of both? It looks an interesting title but I've not yet come across any customer reviews. Drat! This should have been posted in the Media section. Will try again. |
Dave Jackson  | 30 Dec 2012 6:09 a.m. PST |
link Good review, seems lots of ammunition for skirmish and very small action scenarios. Seems there are at least 2 volumes. Now I will have to get it ya !! LOL!! |
Gazzola | 30 Dec 2012 6:40 a.m. PST |
Dave Thanks for info. I had actually spotted that review and thought the title sounded very interesting. But I was hoping that some wargamers attending TMP may have bought it and given their view. But thanks anyway, and yes, it does look like a must-buy title. There goes the bill money again! |
Sparker | 30 Dec 2012 1:52 p.m. PST |
Well I think its fair to say thats a pretty glowing review! The only limit to the interest for the main stream gamer I would think, from this review, is that these gallant chaps fought in company size groups securing LoC's so more fodder for the skirmish gamer than devotees of larger actions
Digby Smith may be better known to some under his nom de plume of Otto von Pivka, but regardless, he is a skilled military historian and can spin a ripping yarn. His service in the British Army has given him a sympathy for the challenges of operational decision making that some of his contemporaries with purely academic experience lack
Unfortunately this volume is not available on the Book Depository
sigh! |
Gonsalvo | 30 Dec 2012 3:06 p.m. PST |
Sounds like an interesting book about these "German" contingents whose contributions are often overlooked, fighting in a war they thoroughly detested. |
Gazzola | 30 Dec 2012 7:06 p.m. PST |
Today, Amazon state they are down to one copy left but from what I can see, most bookshops seem to hold Digby's title, although at the full price. It certainly sounds like a must-have title, but it would have been interesting to hear what some TMP wargamers and enthusiatss think about it, should any of them own a copy. |
French Wargame Holidays | 31 Dec 2012 3:24 p.m. PST |
on my list for my birthday! I have a fascination on the minor german states contribution to Napoleonic wars. I have built in 28mm (at 1/20) every Confederation of the Rhine's princely state unit that was raised from 1806 to 1812, including some Gendarme Hussar units. Looking forward to it. cheers Matt cheers matt |
Gazzola | 03 Jan 2013 7:36 a.m. PST |
Sparker I think Amazon now own The Book Depository, so you might as well order it from Amazon. However, I do not know if the free postage part that goes with Amazon UK will be the same? Plus I'm sure, since the title seems to be selling well, that bookshops will also be restocking it. link |
Imperiale | 24 Mar 2013 7:31 a.m. PST |
Its just another of Digby Smiths books very little original research mostly aquired from members of the Napoleon Series forum if you can get a copy cheap buy it but its not very good. |
Gazzola | 24 Mar 2013 11:00 a.m. PST |
Imperiale Sadly, I think all books are hyped up these days to suggest they contain far more than they actually do, to help them sell and you can never be really sure until you read the book yourself or view other customer reviews. However, some reviews can be pretty baised either way, although they usually decribe the negative bits not found in pre-publicity. But there are some interesting bits in Digby's book that I've not seen elsewhere and some save considerable research time, even if they're not always 100% accurate. |
summerfield | 26 Mar 2013 4:20 a.m. PST |
Dear All I do not think the book has been hyped. It says what it is. It is based upon translations of the various Regimental histories. A considerable amount of time have been made finding where the actions occured upon modern maps. There is a considerable amount of information that is not available in English. Here is an extract from the book. Again, the reader must make their own mind up. link Stephen |
Gazzola | 26 Mar 2013 4:46 a.m. PST |
Stephen As an author yourself you know that hyping up a book is part of the game. Perhaps not always by the authors themselves but certainly by the publishers and those selling the titles. In terms of hype, Digby's book has been described as a ground-breaking study with superb colour plates etc. That does not match Imperiale's view of the title, does it? And as a customer he has a right to offer his viewpoint. However, as someone who has done a fair share of researching over the years, I have no complaints about his book and appreciate the amount of research he has undertaken. I am pleased to have it in my collections and can't wait for Volume 2. |
summerfield | 26 Mar 2013 4:59 a.m. PST |
Dear John It is hoped that Volume 2 will be published in the Summer this year. As ever, I wonder what customers expect. Today is much harder than it was as you do not get to see the book before you buy it. The book should be treated as a translation of regimental histories. It will be inconsistent and a relies upon the period that it was written. Only by making historians aware of this material in a easy manner can various parts of the Peninsular War be revised. The voice of the German contingents in English has been almost silent. The same is gradually being remedied for the Waterloo campaign. Stephen |
Imperiale | 26 Mar 2013 7:06 a.m. PST |
Gazzola, Unfortunately ive been accused of not reading the book so best if I dont make any comments |
Imperiale | 26 Mar 2013 7:36 a.m. PST |
Unfortunately the NS Forum as been taken over by persons who are barred from this site |
Hugh Johns | 26 Mar 2013 11:42 a.m. PST |
For what it's worth, what is said publicly is not always the same as said privately. --- Also it is indeed unfortunate that persons are barred from this site. |
Marcus Maximus | 31 Mar 2013 7:46 a.m. PST |
Forgive my ignorance but who are you talking about and why are they barred from this site? |
von Winterfeldt | 02 Apr 2013 4:52 a.m. PST |
Evidently Imperiale holds a grudge mainly against Steve Smith, who is very generous in making knowledge available for free by providing a lot if interesting links. Everybody is able to visit NS Forum and see what goodies Steve Smith is providing. So far Imperiale has provided nothing than slander, lets wait and see – maybe he can show some expertise in some constructive contributions in the future. |
Imperiale | 03 Apr 2013 3:30 a.m. PST |
Hans Karl, I must bow to your superior knowledge your admiration of Steve Smith is commendable and your loyalty knows no bounds and as you say I know absolutely nothing about the period and have not made one single contribution to The Napoleon Series I can say no more but please ask the editor before you make this statement (Bob Burnham) before I go you have not answered Marcus Maximus's question why is Mr Smith barred from this site could you please explain. Tony (Imperiale) |
Imperiale | 03 Apr 2013 7:01 a.m. PST |
Hans Karl for my own curiosity I have checked when I became a member of the Napoleon Series team it was in 1997 my first article was placed on the site in 2000 since then I have contributed a number of articles the last being in 2007 unfortunately they all deal with the French Army but with your unfailing knowledge you have pointed out that I have made no constructive contributions to the Napoleon Series a fact that I must recognise now as a fact I will off course suggest to Bob Burnham that he removes my articles from the site. My many thanks to you for pointing out my failings. Tony Broughton (Imperiale) |
summerfield | 05 Apr 2013 7:06 a.m. PST |
Dear Tony It would be a great loss to remove your articles. It is so much nicer to talk to people rather than avatars. Certainly I would like to find out what is worth purchasing. Digby's book was a compiled translation from German sources. It is as ever what is known to one man is not known to everyone. Is there going to be anything exciting written upon the Peninsular War as it is so written about? Stephen |
Imperiale | 05 Apr 2013 4:16 p.m. PST |
Hello Stephen' I have read Digby Smiths book unfortunately I wasn't impressed but this is my personal opinion. A fact I pointed out on this forum. Hans Karl Weiss then stated that I have never contributed anything worthwhile to the Napoleon Series as he is an undoubted expert dealing with the subject I bow to his expertise.I will check with Bob Burnham when the time is right I know he his in the process of moving and I do not want to disturb him. Best regards as always,Tony |
Gazzola | 06 Apr 2013 4:46 a.m. PST |
Considering Digby's book, potential customers may have expected it to be full of detailed actions and details or something, with minute by minute battle accounts? Of course, it would have been nice to have more of that area than the title actually contains, since some descriptions are very short, but it does, in my opinion, contain enough info to keep everyone happy, well, at least me anyway. And I'm still looking forward to Vol 2. |
summerfield | 06 Apr 2013 4:53 a.m. PST |
Dear Tony Sorry I misunderstood your first comment here. I am not sure what you were expecting from it. Certainly the uniform information was based upon his 1980s works and was not consistent with my interpretations especially the Netherlands contingent. I never saw it as being anything more than a series of translations from German Regimental histories. Making these available. I assume you have the same opinion other translated works inclusing those of George Nafziger's translations. Alas writing a book on the Spanish Army of the Early Peninsular has shown me that there is very little in English and even French that is that good dealing with this army. Even in Spanish, it is very patchy. Please leave your writing upon the Napoleon Series. I look forward to reading your future articles. Alas we poor authors have very thin skins. Stephen |
Imperiale | 06 Apr 2013 6:44 a.m. PST |
Hello Stephen, Unfotunately that was the problem I already have many of the original works he used its the same with George Nafzigers translations.I have a little on the Spanish army but as you say it is of limited use. What does annoy me is when people such as Hans Karl Weiss states I have made no contribution to a site that I have been involved with since the early days of Fons Libert and Max Sewell and continue to be involved with the only part of the site I would not contribute to being the Discussion Forum. Best regards as always,Tony |
Whirlwind  | 06 Apr 2013 9:56 a.m. PST |
Forgive my ignorance but who are you talking about and why are they barred from this site? They are on about this guy: TMP link And he got his account locked after this thread: TMP link Regards |
Imperiale | 06 Apr 2013 11:19 a.m. PST |
Whirlwind, Haven't got a clue who Big Al is the only person who I have come across with this name was in a tv series starring James Bolam entitled "The Beiderbecke Tapes" do you have is correct name ? Hans Karl reckons its Steve Smith and he seems to know what hes talking about Regards Tony |
Whirlwind  | 06 Apr 2013 1:21 p.m. PST |
Erm yes, it is Steven H Smith. It says on the member name. Regards |
Imperiale | 06 Apr 2013 3:34 p.m. PST |
Whirlwind do you happen to know why he was barred haven't gone through the second link you put up. Regards, Tony |
Whirlwind  | 06 Apr 2013 9:23 p.m. PST |
Well, the Editor doesn't always make these things explicit, but it seems that the Editor considered he was just that bit too rude too often about some of the other posters in the middle of some of the more heated exchages on TMP. Just before the thread I linked to, I think he had been DH'd for quite a long time for the same sort of thing on a different thread. However, this isn't that unusual, quite often posters get dawghoused during the course of the more heated exchanges on the Napoleonic forums here, so I don't know exactly why the Editor lost his patience with Steven Smith. Regards |
Imperiale | 07 Apr 2013 1:59 a.m. PST |
Whirlwind, Many thanks for the info Regards, Tony |