Lots of choices. My favorite are:
Battle Honors for early to mid war. They have MG-34s for the MG and are wearing jackboots. In a pinch will work for late war, but the LMG would be wrong. Plenty of support weapons and options packs too. HMGs, AT rifle, 5cm mortar, panzerfausts and schrecks, flamethrowers, snipers, radios etc.
Good sculpts, correct uniforms, good variety of poses. The shortcoming is that the squad packs only have one LMG team, and for Panzergrenadiers and motorized, you need two per squad. Fortunately, the HMG pack has two static and two moving teams in the pack. The moving team is basically the LMG team, but with an extra model with the tripod carried on his back. This means with the single HMG pack, you get a second LMG team for two squads. Makes putting a platoon together easier. I also mix them with their regular early war German packs to get SS in tunics. You have to shave off the collar tabs and paint SS runes on and they look good if you do some helmet cover head swaps.
Here is a blog post I did on the Battle Honors SS, and NO they are not 25mm as some people say.
For something unique and very early war, I love the Warlord early war SS. They have the Czech ZB vz 26 LMG. They wear the gas mask cape bag on their chest and have jackboots. The NCO has an MP-28 SMG. Nice figs. They don't have support weapons yet, but Warlord plans to do them.
Here are some of the Warlord early war SS I started working on:
Lastly, for late war, Artizan are ok for SS, but really are better as Heer troops because the hooded smock on most of the models was Heer only. The zelts and hoodless smocks work for SS, but most of the models don't have helmet covers and there is some detail missing on the smock.
Warlord's SS for late war are nice as well. I am not a fan of the LMG poses (no advancing with the MG-42 which is just a personal requirement for me
I'm picky that way), But they have a nice variety of weapons, nice details on the uniforms, and lots of different poses.
Hope that helps,