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22 Jun 2012 3:44 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "1815 Bremem Battalion" to "1815 Bremen Battalion"

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Comments or corrections?

14Bore22 Jun 2012 12:38 p.m. PST

Could someone help me out with a slight language problem? I'm trying to paint the Bremen Battalion in 1815 uniforms. Normally I can use my computer to get most of it correct but can't seem to use it on this site. My basic question is the whole light or Chasseur Company in green or only the sharpshooter section?

Widowson22 Jun 2012 12:42 p.m. PST

It appears that the green uniform is the old uniform, of which some were replaced by the new red uniform. You can see that the figure with the rifle is in green, but also some of the musket-armed figures.

14Bore22 Jun 2012 1:12 p.m. PST

I've been making my Hanoverians in 1815 uniforms and so have followed quite a few of these plates. None others have reference to older uniforms and can't be sure but seems to be dedicated to the Waterloo Campaign. For anyone here is link to the whole site.

John de Terre Neuve22 Jun 2012 1:43 p.m. PST

I would look at this specific previous post on TMP. TMP link
Look at John Franklin's post. I believe him to be quite accurate in respect to his post.

Bremen Light Infantry Batt: Red jackets with black facings and dark blue pantaloons. All of the leather equipment was black. The battalion wore shackos of a Portugeuse design

If you review the uniforms esp. in the 1st Hanoverian Bde at Waterloo, you will see some discrepancies between John Franklin's info and Mt Jean site in respect to the Duke of York battalion.


Seroga22 Jun 2012 1:58 p.m. PST

It is this unit, yes ?
Raised as Leichte-Bataillon Bremen u. Verden in 1813, then named Feld-Bataillon Bremen, at Waterloo under the command of Oberst-Lieutenant Wilhelm Ludwig von Langrehr (1775-1815)

Most likely red coats, with black facings and collars, white turnbacks piped black, dark blue trousers, black leatherwork, Kaskett. This is what Sibourne noted based on interviews, and there is a museum example of alleged Waterloo provenance for the uniform coat. But there are some "issues" ….


14Bore22 Jun 2012 2:18 p.m. PST

Thanks guys. Although I often search TMP for past info on anything I'm researching I've missed the TMP link. I'm going for John Franklins red coats black facings and leather work. And it would seem from the links from Seroga that a sharpshooter platoon had green coats. Since I have 2 different figures I think one will become a sharpshooter

John de Terre Neuve22 Jun 2012 6:40 p.m. PST

I am in the process of finishing up the First Hanoverian Bde at Waterloo and I have gone with John Franklin's info, except for Feldbatalion Verden as I could not resist the white shakos of their earlier fore-battalion Bennigsen.

I believe Siborne has some errors as well.

Here is a table I have done of the evolution of the Hanoverian battalions from 1813 to 1815.

More at link


14Bore23 Jun 2012 12:06 p.m. PST

John@ Me too! I have followed the Waterloo uniforms except the white shakos of Bennigsen, those were to sweet to pass up.

John de Terre Neuve01 Jul 2012 9:58 a.m. PST

FB Bremen

FB Verden

More at


John Franklin12 Jul 2012 9:02 a.m. PST


I congratulate you on your figures. Stunning! (Although I can just see the French artillery gunners 'lining up' the men in the white shakos!!!)

Best Wishes


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