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2,703 hits since 12 Apr 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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arabianknight12 Apr 2012 12:16 p.m. PST

Well the first batch of Trenchers anyway!


details here: link


the trojan bunny12 Apr 2012 12:35 p.m. PST

Really nice work, and a great idea. I wonder what other Warzone minis could be proxied for Warmachine…

SonofThor12 Apr 2012 2:21 p.m. PST

Very nicely done! When I see work like this it makes me wish i had never sold all of my Warmachine stuff. If Privateer ever does 15mm I may be in trouble.

mgaffn113 Apr 2012 9:58 a.m. PST

excellent figs, well painted.

Sumatran Rat Monkey14 Apr 2012 11:14 p.m. PST

I have to admit, even after all these years, the plastic Imperial Regulars remain some of my favorite plastic miniatures ever- just a great, evocative design, well-sculpted.

Perhaps not molded in the most "user-friendly" of plastics out there, according to some (although still far preferable to that of the Cap Troopers from the SST boxed set, and I, personally, have never had issues getting plastic cements to secure the Warzone figures), but still- fantastic figures, those Imperials. Makes me think I should pick up another bag or two- because, you know, having 90+ plastic Imperial Regulars, 30-some-odd metal Blood Berets, 21 metal Trenchers, something like 140 assorted metal Wolfbanes (Wolfbanes, Wolfbairn, Mourning Wolves, Berserkers, Pathfinders, Headhunters, Warhounds, and a half dozen assorted loose, unassembled Necromowers and Fenris bikes), a pair of Hurricane Walkers, and… 1 Ordnance Officer?

Not nearly enough.


Why do I run down the full list of specific Imperial stuff I have sitting around, awaiting the (un)tender ministrations of razor saw, epoxy putty (I'm a compulsive converter), and, eventually, brush, you ask?

Because you, sir, are Evil, with a capital E.

The paintwork there inspires me, and genuinely makes me want to pick up yet more plastic Regulars. It's a great colour scheme you've picked there, one I haven't seen them painted in before, and has me pondering some new schemes of my own- I rarely use light colours as a base in my sci-fi uniform palettes, but now you've got me curious about using off-whites, creams, and perhaps even very pale yellows in conjunction with other, darker natural/earth tones, and a single strong primary colour to tie it all together.

I'm also giving serious consideration to the idea of stealing your blue edged look for your bases (although I favor the 25mm slottabases with straight sides, rather than the 30mm slope shouldered bases, myself)- I quite like the look of that, and am even toying with the idea of edging each army's bases in a colour specific to that army.

Thanks for sharing- again, great work on the figures, and thank you for the inspiration, as well. Always a treat, and the sort of thing that's kept me coming back to TMP for as long as I've been here. :)

- Monk

arabianknight16 Apr 2012 3:14 a.m. PST

cheers for the comments. I'm glad I've drummed up a bit more work for some of you ;-)

Monk, I have to agree with youy about these being a favourite plastic sculpt. That's why I bought the huge bag deal (40 Imperial, 40 Bauhaus) years ago with nothing to use them with. They have that excellent blend of World War meets Sci-Fi (the same blend that make the Doctor Who WWII "Ironside" Dalek so irresistable!

Sumatran Rat Monkey16 Apr 2012 4:29 a.m. PST

You might also want to take a look at the metal Imperial Trenchers and the similarly-proportioned Blood Berets as well, AK- they have that same sort of anachronistic magic, for lack of a better term, remaining relevant and compatible in look and "feel," while maintaining their own identities, as well.

The metal Imperial Trenchers are bulkier, as a result of heavier pauldrons and being attired in ragged heavy leather cloaks and trenchwar attire, which lends them a certain weighty weariness that, to me, speaks of obstinate veterans, soldiers for whom stubbornness has become so ingrained as to practically be written in their DNA, men who will hold the line/trench/what have you no matter the odds.

"They can outnumber us. They may outgun us. But no man, no man, shall ever outfight us!"


If the Trenchers above are the iron spine of the army, the rock-hard core and the last line of defense, and the great Imperial Regular plastics are the muscle, doing the hard work and manning the front lines, duking it out in the big battles, fighting the majority of the war?

Then the Blood Berets are the scar-knuckled fists, delivering the jawbreaking uppercuts and ruthless suckerpunches.


They maintain the aesthetic of their brethren, while looking the part of the force recon and the deep striking commando specialists: they're the guys hitting the enemy with lighting quickness and brutal efficiency, infiltrating the enemy lines and wreaking havoc, blowing up supply depots and assassinating enemy officers just as their motivational speeches reach their crescendo, turning patriotic fervor into dispirited paranoia.

- Monk

Oh, and while we're at it?

Over amongst the Bauhaus metals? I just saw these and had to link them:


I mean, c'mon- guys in sci-fi body armour, gasmasks, and kepis, with explosive-tipped lances, SMGs, riding dinosaurs?!

What's not to love? :D

- Monk

arabianknight16 Apr 2012 7:02 a.m. PST

Nice one, Monk.

Those Blood Beret's could well be used for Trencher Commandos without to much imagine.

Those mounted Bauhaus would make good alternative Cygnar Storm Lances I would say. THe proper style of the two forces are completely different, so there is no reason for them to look like the Trenchers armour wise. Using the same paint pallet would easliy tie them together!

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