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"Does 2 into 1 go?" Topic

4 Posts

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1,330 hits since 28 Dec 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Given up for good28 Dec 2011 2:58 p.m. PST

I've been playing with the two blogs I run on Blogger and moved them to WordPress hosted on my own site.

Currently the two are and

I've done a quick merge to as a test.

Could you let me know your thoughts?

Key things for me to know what you think are:

1) Tags / categories – better or worse to find things with?
2) Lack of the 'Follower' option for Blogger folk!
3) Layout needs to be tweaked and duplicate posts removed.
4) Old links (see ) will point back to Blogger for now!
5) Do I classify everything for the 2mm folk with a specific category to simply things for them?

Currently this is an intellectual challenge for me as I want to learn PHP and WordPress as a self-growth task but thought I could use it for real as well…

For now though its just a play thing.


SteelonSand28 Dec 2011 3:50 p.m. PST

Looks nice and clean; probably will read well visually for people viewing on mobile devices (these modern folks, always after the latest gadget….!) – but yes, you could do with a designation for 2mm – didn't even see it in your Tag cloud…

The followers gadget is probably more useful for the Blog owner him/herself, rather than for viewers, so maybe not a loss in itself….

Given up for good28 Dec 2011 4:25 p.m. PST

The majority of the 2mm work was the EVFS project but you are correct – unless you know what I was working on you're a bit stuck!

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