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Clays Russians05 Dec 2011 3:24 p.m. PST

HEY TOM, I talked to you about this very same subject but I kept getting sent overseas. now Im retired (23 years) and I really regret not starting to grab these littleguys when I had the chance. Got the $$$, getting the time, and am in no real hurry. but 2$ a piece with p&h is a little exasperating. I lament your moving on Tom. (I have an entier Russian Crimean army 500+, with no ordenance and absolutely no allies) I wait, patiently, and hope MFs gets into gear again.

Etranger05 Dec 2011 7:28 p.m. PST

Keep them & use them proudly!

Myu 15mm ECW armies are based around a hard core of Minifgs veterans.

Sparker05 Dec 2011 7:38 p.m. PST

Thanks again for all the input – last night I finished renovating and rebasing a Russian 12PDR battery and what with all the new grass tuft material thats around these days, and suitably elevated on extra thick basing, it looks fine – not as fine as that Fusilier picture though!

They will be getting an outing next week so will publish phots of the rebased units on my blog then…

Cardinal Hawkwood05 Dec 2011 9:54 p.m. PST

I'd melt the lot down and get some proper figures

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP06 Dec 2011 8:31 a.m. PST

I echo what others have said -- Minifigs have a style and charm all there own and when prepared and displayed in the proper way can really look great. The fact that they are all the same pose gives the units a really great look of order and style. To often it seems to me -- today anyway -- many gamers are only concerned with what "they consider" a great figure completely forgetting that as in everything else -- people have different tastes and that it is the painting, the basing, the overall "presentation" that really makes a great figure/unit and not the figures themselves. I have seen many a $4.00 -$5.00 figure just butchered in the "display" and a cheaper figure made to look grand and glorious in the "display".
The units of minifigs in the photo look superb and if I was you I would hang on to themn, save some time and money and ignore the people that only focus on the figure.
Russ Dunaway

Clays Russians06 Dec 2011 8:35 a.m. PST

YES RUSS, and thats why I dearly love my Spencers. I rather have a thousand spencers than 600 ogre-ish newish types. ya know the ones, with the 'too big' heads turned sideways and screaming like there's a porcupine coming out of their arse.

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP06 Dec 2011 9:09 a.m. PST

Like I said, everyone has there own tastes and agendas -- Some people like the old wargame style, some like the more active heads turning, people screaming, pointing,etc, some like the "toy soldier" look, etc. I still love the Peter Gilder and Peter Morby type figure while others claim they are all looking up at airplanes and the figures have belts and straps that go no where -- Oh well – I don't care and I like them -- still love my Surens as much.
There really is no right and wrong and I wonder about people who try to say there is?
Russ Dunaway

GarrisonMiniatures06 Dec 2011 9:31 a.m. PST

If standard Minifigs are £1.10 for 25mm infantry, remnd me to put my prices up in March.

Colonel Bill06 Dec 2011 12:14 p.m. PST

I'd be happy to command Minifigs, and have lots of them to boot. I also mix and match several brands in my units on occasion and they look absolutely fine.

Russ is right. Presentation is everything. I still remember a set of Russian lancers from the old Minifigs (on the strip) range. Good Gawd, best looking unit I ever saw, purely because of the expert painting and mounting job.

Regards, Bill Gray

Dave Ryan06 Dec 2011 12:59 p.m. PST

Well chaps.

what can I say, thanks for all the positive comments. 25mm is certainly flourishing- we have sold more in the past 6 months than the previous

We haven't changed the moulds- just made sure that our staff are more careful(but never 100% perfect but then who is) more than doubled the quality of the metal now used (at that was at 2009 rates!) and use the highly experienced Caliver Packers.- but we don't have the financial pressure to rush things out that the old UK team had in their last 12 months or so

AS to price, well that's a thorny question, everyone prices according to their costs- those that don't go bust or are treating it as a hobby. I would dearly love the figures to be cheaper but once you've given 20% to the government as sales tax (and on the postage charged) 10% as Royalties, 4% in paypal and credit card charges, paid real professional staff with decades of experience, real wages (with attendent massive insurance and H & safety costs) then paid rates, rents taxes etc what can you do?
(I think Pete Berry from Bacchus once had agreat post listing costs)

The answer is of course charge what you need to maintain the company and expand it a tad but not so much that you put people off. As long as we are compared to other similar outfits (Essex, Front Rank, etc) then I'm happy.

I must confess my biggest shock was wages- it takes a lot longer to crank decent figures out of those old moulds than I thought! When I bought the company a couple of years ago I thought Hell, how hard can it be! Now I'd rather not look when a caster spends 20 minutes to get a 2.75 pack out … Not worth the time – and no time – to re-mould (far too many) but I just can't bring myself to delete that figure! even if – luckily- we only sell one a month

The 25mm are well priced. A few pence increase next year to cover the costs we are all experiencing should be fine.

My costs are the same- but in some ways greater if you think about it – as modern spanky 28mm in their new efficient moulds with their limited range so that it makes sense to keep the bins full and not largely cast to order

But as I say, everyone chooses ranges for their own reasons cost is only one factor

as to the beauty of minifigs? Well, I loved them so much I bought the company!!

What back to cracking the whip for Christmas


Sparker06 Dec 2011 4:12 p.m. PST

Thanks Dave for illuminating 'the other side of the hill' for us, all fair points and if this thread has served no other purpose I think it shows how highly regarded the old Minifigs models are…I am now thoroughly ashamed of my previous doubts!

The only girls blouse in sight will be the flashing from windows on your triumph march!!!

I shall expect no less Matt!

HammerHead11 Dec 2011 12:52 a.m. PST

I wargamed in the seventies & did not like the minifigs then
& don`t like the minifigs now

Supercilius Maximus11 Dec 2011 6:06 a.m. PST

Just getting back into the 2nd Generation ECW 15mm – no chance any of the moulds survived I suppose?

Sadly, it's the one range in which the command figures weren't up to the usual superb standard of Minifigs command and artillery packs – but more than made up for by the excellent 3rd Generation versions.

XV Brigada11 Dec 2011 6:25 a.m. PST

Not any more but mine were all First Generation, true 15mm, the ones that came in strips when Minifigs were the only 15mm figures available.

They all went for 'recycling' a few years ago.

Just starting Napoleonics again in 10mm.

Captain Gideon11 Dec 2011 1:56 p.m. PST

I have 15mm French Napoleonic's and Samurai figures by Minifigs,and since most of my figures are painted I don't have any plans to get rid of them.

And I have gotten rid of some unpainted Minifigs because I've gotten other figures.

Captain Gideon

spontoon11 Dec 2011 3:17 p.m. PST

The only figures from the distant past that I've gotten rid of are my Phoenix/Les Higgins figs. And that's only because they are unavailable and a limited range anyway. My son has them because they fit for size with plastics better.

Maxshadow12 Dec 2011 3:23 a.m. PST

When and were is the game? If I can get some months warning I'll take leave and fly over for it!

Murvihill12 Dec 2011 10:43 a.m. PST

I've thousands of 2nd generation and hundreds of 1st generation. I have no intention of getting rid of any; why paint anything twice when there are so many other units you haven't painted once?

1968billsfan12 Dec 2011 3:42 p.m. PST


If anyone has 7YW 25mm to give away for a song to a good home, drop me a line.

14Bore Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2011 3:49 p.m. PST

XV Brigada WHYYYYYYYY????? (after reading melting down) Was there a shortage of lead? Lost a bet after saying I'll melt down my collection instead of eating my hat?

14Bore Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2011 5:40 p.m. PST

Working out OOB's, the minifig armys (Prussian and Russian) are moving again.

Provost12 Dec 2011 9:37 p.m. PST

I wouldn't worry Sparker. I am happy for your monsieur's to stand next to mine on wednesday!

Sparker14 Dec 2011 2:08 p.m. PST

Thanks Meathead – but I'm not looking forward to seeing my Austrians next to yours – they will go green!

@Maxshadow – the Borodino game will be in Campbelltown Hall of Heroes in SW Sydney Sunday 7th September…

Judging by the amount of interest yesterday it will be pretty big…

XV Brigada14 Dec 2011 3:13 p.m. PST

@14 Bore,

I needed the space a few years ago when I'd downsized to 10mm. I hadn't used them in ages and had lost interest in Napoleonics. I could not give them away, literally. I tried.

Even put them on EBay – free to anybody who wanted to collect them. No takers.

So I took them to the local authority recycling site and the whole lot, between 2 and 3 thousand, I suppose, two thirds 1st generation Minifigs, the rest Peter Laing, went into the household waste skip.

They were not even useful as scrap metal apparently.

I did manage to find homes for 15mm buildings though, but not the figures.

GarryWills15 Dec 2011 4:25 p.m. PST

Have to declare that I am still a big fan of Minifigs – still using the 15mm ones that came on strips. My most recent project used the current Minifigs French Revolution range very successfully. Photos on my website

Garry Wills

1815Guy15 Dec 2011 7:41 p.m. PST

Your figures look great Sparker. Just use them and enjoy your games.

I dont use 25mm for Naps, but my 15mm is full of everything: AB, Essex, TTG, Minifigs (loads and loads of Minifigs), Lancashire, Heritage, Jacobite ( are they still going I wonder!) and some I have no idea of what they are – possibly Mikes Models. Some of my Minifigs are as old as the hills; I have whole divisions of the original five figs per strip ranges they produced in about 1979. From five feet away they all look the same, and all give me a good game. Doing good basing & flags are essential though if you use older models, and yours look fine.

If I didnt have any figures and turned up for a game, Id be grateful for anything I could use, not critical. Even if I had to use my 1979ers!

Best of luck with your project.

Sparker16 Dec 2011 9:26 p.m. PST

Thanks mate. We had a large crowd play with them on Wednesday, and no complaints, so I am happy.

Some more phots here

spydr122226 Dec 2011 4:34 a.m. PST

i still have my minifigs.well they are the only troops i use,i do have some others.i wish caliver could find some one to make new mold's for them?how is a guy to build a saxon army in the bi-corn when you can't get the troops?:)


Enry MItchell26 Dec 2011 5:54 a.m. PST

£1.10 for a 25mm Minifigs figure and the price is going to go up? That makes them more expensive than Perry metals!

Each to their own I suppose! Good luck to them.

Bottom Dollar26 Dec 2011 7:58 p.m. PST

For ACW 15mm, I like them. Bought some newer generation recently and like them. They mix well with other lines and do well on their own. Meat and potatoes.

Clay the Elitist27 Dec 2011 1:21 p.m. PST

I have an entire French division of 25mm Minifigs and just use them together. You can't tell a difference with the rest on the table.

John Tyson27 Dec 2011 8:41 p.m. PST

The vast majority of my 2,600 15mm Napoleonic miniatures are 2nd generation Minifigs. Never will I part with these old friends while I'm still alive. They have provided me with many hours of enjoyment. Other 15mm manufactures and 3rd generation Minifigs will just have to blend with these old veterans.








3rd gen Minifigs (Portuguese Brigade)




Bottom Dollar28 Dec 2011 11:35 a.m. PST

Nice !

reggie8828 Dec 2011 4:37 p.m. PST

Hi John Tyson, I always start to drool whenever I see your figures. A ratio of 1:20 is the only way to go. And you and I know why!

I never understood though, why you never painted your stands.

Your Buddy


John Tyson28 Dec 2011 5:39 p.m. PST

Thanks Bottom Dollar and Reggie.

Why I never painted my stands. Hmmm.

1. I had no mentors when I started so I didn't know any better.

2. Stands are just stands. However they are finished, they still just look like stands on the wargaming table.

3. I use mat board (the type used for framing pictures)for my stands and try to get it in a color that matches closely with the figures stand.

4. I think plain, boring, unpainted, unfrocked stands cause the eye to more closely focus on the figures.

5. Biggest reason…I'm lazy. ;-)

Below are my plain stands compared to my wargaming partners 3rd generation Minifigs Prussians with finished stands. He does a much better job of painting his soldiers and finishing his stands.


I really liked the way they looked routing off the battlefield.



More 2nd gen Minifigs (GdD Reille is a Battle Honors figure; MdE Ney a 2nd gen Minifig figure).


John Tyson28 Dec 2011 6:48 p.m. PST

2nd gen 15mm British and French Minifigs.

"They're coming in the same old way."

A British brigade stops cold a French brigade's assault.



Bottom Dollar28 Dec 2011 8:32 p.m. PST

I like 'em. Very functional and there's no optical confusion and the uniform colors stand out extremely well. Now all you need to do is throw those attack columns into line of battle :)

SJDonovan29 Dec 2011 3:07 a.m. PST

@John Tyson

I love the look of your figures and games John. For me this is exactly how a wargame should look. Personally, I prefer unflocked bases – though, as you say, the flocked variety do look good when they belong to your opponent and they are routing from the field.

I've been collecting 2nd gen Minifigs for the past five years or so and I hope one day to have armies that look as impressive as yours.

John Tyson29 Dec 2011 1:44 p.m. PST

Bottom Dollar, Reggie, and all others interested, here is the rest of the fight between that British brigade on the British right and that French brigade on the French left. I hope the photos tell the story.













The French losses from all along the battle line had reached the Falter Point. The French defeat resulted from failing the Division/Corps Falter/Break Point check.
(2D6: Five or less. Defeat! Quit the Field. The game ends immediately.)

Yes Sparker, I'm still using and enjoying my old 15mm Minifigs!

God bless,

Sparker29 Dec 2011 4:56 p.m. PST

Thanks John, most impressive!

Bottom Dollar29 Dec 2011 5:43 p.m. PST

I like the way there's no doubting where the redcoats are and who's who. Also, unit designation on just above every stand makes things more straightforward, and less confusing visually, allowing more energy to be spent on figuring out how to crack the nut of a British defensive line :)

Czar Alexander II Supporting Member of TMP29 Dec 2011 9:07 p.m. PST

I still use (and prefer) 25mm Minifigs. Since MiniFig USA went under they are a bit more difficult (and expensive) to get from England.

I go for the massed unit look – not a loose gaggle of guys out for a raiding party <grin>.

I've been collecting/painting Minfigs for a long time now and have about 8000 or so……the group I game with has a good many more.

I am hoping someone in the US will pick up the Minifig line and get them back into production soon.

BTW love the battle pictures……….

Clays Russians30 Dec 2011 12:20 p.m. PST

CZAR, I agree, if only the Napoleonic lines. and no, I dont do stands either, just wash'em green. I hate hate hate that fuzzy messy flokkee stuff.

and here comes the howls of indignation now.

I wanna come to your house and drink wine and move little soldiers around Mr Tyson.

John Tyson30 Dec 2011 1:17 p.m. PST

Let's do it Clay. I see you live in Kentucky. I live in north Alabama (Huntsville). I drink the reds.

Dave Crowell30 Dec 2011 5:44 p.m. PST

If you like them use them. No one will likely notice.

I once played half a game before I realized that my opponents had only been primed and dipped. An immersive game will do that.

John Tyson30 Dec 2011 7:08 p.m. PST

SJ Donovan,


SJ said: "@John Tyson

"I love the look of your figures and games John. For me this is exactly how a wargame should look. Personally, I prefer unflocked bases – though, as you say, the flocked variety do look good when they belong to your opponent and they are routing from the field.

"I've been collecting 2nd gen Minifigs for the past five years or so and I hope one day to have armies that look as impressive as yours."


SJ, thank you for the fine compliment. I apologize for not responding earlier. For some reason, I read your post but in my mind your post was from Reggie, who I did reply to.

SJ, I do enjoy my Minifigs but I must admit I only do a mediocre job of painting my figures. I use enamel paints in single colors without highlighting or ink shadowing. And, you know what I do with the stands. But they please me. If you are ever over on this side of the pond, I would be proud if you'd let me show you some wargaming hospitality.

reggie8831 Dec 2011 12:54 a.m. PST

Hi John,

Don't sell yourself short, I love your paint job and a lot of guys on this board agree with me.

If only you, SJ Donovan, a few other guys that loved 2nd gen Minifig, and I lived closer, we could have a massive battle.

I've been collecting Minifig 2nd gen for over 30 years. I have about 7600 Minifig figures and about 2000 Battle Honors.

We are getting ready for the refight of Aspern-Essling, next year.

I have been buying Minifig since the mid 80s. If I knew then what I know now, I would have bought a ton more Minifig figures.

There was a guy near Chicago that was selling a bunch of his old Minifig 2nd gen. I bought a bunch from him. Any one that is selling unpainted Minifig 2nd gen, depending on how many, and not the Prussians, I will buy.

bgbboogie31 Dec 2011 2:54 a.m. PST

Yep I still us em….! I love my 15mm French & British.

I morn the sale of my 15mm ACW ….. but hey ho 28mm is good for me.


SJDonovan31 Dec 2011 3:16 a.m. PST

@John Tyson

Thanks John. That's a very kind offer and I shall take you up on it if I ever get to your side of the pond. I agree with Reggie, I like your paint jobs – simple but very effective. I aim for a similar look but I use acrylics followed by a gloss varnish (I find a good coat of varnish hides a multitude of sins when it comes to painting soldiers).

Wishing you good wargaming for 2012


VonBlucher31 Dec 2011 7:00 p.m. PST

There was a guy near Chicago that was selling a bunch of his old Minifig 2nd gen.

Reggie, you and about 10 other people on TMP & GdB Board bought my Minifigs 2nd Gen (including Stephen, SJDonovan) and a couple of guys on TMP purchased the rest of my 25mm Minifigs.

I had sold my painted 15mm Minifigs, back in the early nineties when AB first came out, and as all the unpainted Minifigs had been sitting in my workroom untouched for at least 15 years, it was a pleasure on my part to sell these(at a great price) to others who will enjoy them as much as I use to. These were my favorite figures when I started gaming Naps. (Us old timers have to stick together)

The only reason I moved to AB's is when they came out with the 1806 Prussians, as this was always an Army I wanted to paint and play.

Well, looking at the images in this post of the games, it took me back quite a few years as these could have been photo's of our games back in the eighties.
Thank you, John Tyson for posting these and best of luck to all on your hunt for more 2nd Gen Minifigs.


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