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3,758 hits since 29 Sep 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Guthroth30 Sep 2011 12:37 a.m. PST

Can anyone direct me to a 25/28mm Valkyrie on a flying horse ?

Wagnerian-style with horned helmet is preferred, but BMI isn't so important.



Porkmann30 Sep 2011 3:26 a.m. PST

Wagner wanted them to be slender and athletic – he detested the fatties.

CmdrKiley30 Sep 2011 5:55 a.m. PST

There's a Heroclix version by the same name.


They also have her unmounted.


Guthroth30 Sep 2011 6:12 a.m. PST

Ooh, how big is she ?

Any recommended retailers ?

Wombling Free30 Sep 2011 6:46 a.m. PST

A Wagnerian Valkyrie:

Amalie Materna as Brunnhilde in the first Bayreuth production of Die Walkure in 1876.

NobleHero30 Sep 2011 7:33 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, the mounted version from the Hammer of Thor set is an ultra-rare. Troll and toad which is where I usually buy singles wants like $24 USD for it.

As to size, the Hero Clix line is not very consistent. Most will fit in fine with 28mm or heroic 28mm. But, I picked up a Kingpin recently to rebase as a mob boss type and he towers over the rest of my mobsters to the point I can't really use him. Just a warning before you spend $24 USD on a soft plastic mini that MIGHT be too big to use.

Huscarle30 Sep 2011 8:55 a.m. PST

Ral Partha have one in their Fantasy Heroes & Horror section:-

CmdrKiley30 Sep 2011 10:23 a.m. PST

Iron Wind Metals has the same figure available in NA.


And another one


Reaper has one as well but it's $40. USD However, I'm sure there will be no question it will be in 28mm scale and an overall better model than the Wizkids figure.


Lion in the Stars30 Sep 2011 9:45 p.m. PST

Funny, I yoinked Reaper's Monique de Noir, filed the bat off her shield, and clipped the batwings off her visor. Give her blueish-purple armor and she's *very* close to Lenneth or Silmeria (the 'girls' of Valkyrie Profile).

Not on a horse, however. Since the P65 version of that model is something like $4, though, I don't feel too bad buying two just so I can carve up one for the mounted version. Reaper's paladin on pegasus is $40, while a single GW Bretonian Pegasus Knight is $18.25.

I would buy the single GW Pegasus Knight (even though I despise GW's business practices), and a pair of Moniques. Total cash outlay, $30, and you get your Valkyrie mounted and dismounted.

Pedrobear30 Sep 2011 10:55 p.m. PST

Hasslefree's Libby may work – you'll need to find a mount though:


Lion in the Stars01 Oct 2011 10:28 p.m. PST

Oh, Reaper does make a couple Pegasus without riding tack, and they are a little cheaper than the GW Pegasus Knight. However, you'd have to sculpt the saddle and the rest.

With a flying model, I'd want the lightweight plastic pegasus instead of a metal one.

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