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"15mm Martian Skiff from Lead Bones" Topic

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1,637 hits since 13 May 2011
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wolfgangbrooks13 May 2011 1:46 p.m. PST

Here's something for the 15mm crowd, a small flyer inspired by the John Carter of Mars books:


For more info and pics take a look at our blog:

We'd like to see what people think and what you'd like to see in the future. Thanks.

Cacique Caribe13 May 2011 1:58 p.m. PST

Wow. Looks awesome!!!


J Womack 9413 May 2011 3:38 p.m. PST

Very cool… may need to purchase one or two…

Eli Arndt13 May 2011 4:20 p.m. PST

You know, the way that back end us arranged, being cut so flat, it's almost as if they plan to have other sections you can add on.

If not, you could easily butt two of them together and do a little work on the bottom to make a larger cutter. Using some balsa and a customer rear, you could use the skiff as a prow which is always one of the most fiddly parts of ships and boats.


wolfgangbrooks13 May 2011 4:28 p.m. PST

Thanks for the comments guys.

emu2020 "You know, the way that back end us arranged, being cut so flat, it's almost as if they plan to have other sections you can add on."

That's not something that really crossed our mind, but is certainly a possibility.

I'm almost afraid of trying to get a solid fit taking shrinkage into consideration though. It would also unbalance the sculpt a little bit, the peg hole on the bottom is in a good place to balance the model as most of the weight is up front.

We'll see. :)

Eli Arndt13 May 2011 4:31 p.m. PST

I was thinking more among the lines of conversion kits and add-on parts. Wouldn't have to add to the original sculpt. You could model parts that could be slotted on, glued, etc. The basing would then turn into a dual-post arrangement.


wolfgangbrooks13 May 2011 4:49 p.m. PST

Hmm, yeah that could work. I had been thinking about a version with stern kind of like the famous Star-Wars example.

Though I was thinking about add ons; to be done in 3D as that was how it was originally done and has given us the best finish in terms of the vehicles. The problem is that it adds a few layers of casting that are vulnerable to shrinkage and you'd want a relatively tight fit. (This is why the peg hole needs a little widening to accept litko flight base style 3mm acrylic rod)

Little Big Wars13 May 2011 7:04 p.m. PST

Both the skiff and the Hardsuit look great. The Hardsuits actually would make rather nifty Machines in When the Navy Walked.

Watchtower7814 May 2011 5:54 a.m. PST

I like the skiff. It would be easily customizable as Eli said. What would be cool is if it offered levels and decking options. The hardsuits are cool but those tikis are the bomb! I will have to tell Bart about them. He runs a Zombie game of Spongebob and those would work magnificently. Also, Phipps of Pulp Alley would love those tikis. Hmm…

Watchtower7814 May 2011 5:55 a.m. PST

You could do a massive jabba sail barge type that was on three or four posts.

wolfgangbrooks14 May 2011 9:47 p.m. PST

@ Watchtower78- Perhaps you could elaborate on what you mean by levels and decking options. I'm not sure we're connecting on that. :)

As for other and larger ships, we'd definitely like to do some and have plans for a small troop carrier along the same lines as this one. Jabba's barge would be massive even at 15mm though…

Again it's a possibility. :)

Watchtower7816 May 2011 4:59 a.m. PST


abdul666lw16 May 2011 6:02 a.m. PST

What about moving back a century or so and offering a decorated balloon gondola?
Maybe with 'wings' picture to be more 'Lace Wars Sci-Fi'?

wolfgangbrooks16 May 2011 8:15 p.m. PST

We'd want to get some more stuff out supporting this first. Would be interesting though. But is there much call for "Lacepunk" now I wonder?

abdul666lw17 May 2011 12:06 a.m. PST

But is there much call for "Lacepunk" now I wonder?

Think how unexpected was the success of Hinterland 'Victorian' female hussars! Niches exist that are waiting to be filled…

abdul666lw20 May 2011 8:30 a.m. PST

Do something in 28mm!

I suppose something like this (imagine tricornes instead of Napoleonic shakos) would be over-ambitious?

YouTube link
YouTube link

The idea is to have the equivalent of the 'Cloudships of Mars' link but -to keep a 'Lacepunk' rather than 'Steampunk' look- still requiring a balloon to lift the hull / gondola…

If you don't want to develop a full 'Cosmos 1745' background, remember the Pacific Ocean was largely unexplored by then: add a hole in the Van Allen belt / magnetosphere or whatever allowing the 'Aether Winds' to reach the ground of the 7th Continent there. Over millions of centuries the 'Aether Winds' transmuted some aluminium salts into cavorite, in turn accumulated by endemic trees in their cell walls (-> 'Lightwood', provided it's activated by the Aether Winds); while maybe a 'plant felt' from the pulp of this same wood, incorporated into the balloon envelope, absorbs the energy of the Aether Winds, which can be channeled to contribute to the buoyancy & / or propulsion?
Thus you can have a 'Lacepunk' setting on good old Earth, without any risk of the technology spreading outside a restricted area and turning all war(games) everywhere into 'VSF in tricornes'. And you can have the Maidenhead 'Babes that time forgot'
link among the natives…

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