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"Colour guide needed for Chindits" Topic

6 Posts

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5,313 hits since 5 Feb 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

forest05 Feb 2011 10:43 a.m. PST

Can anyone recommend what paints to use for 28mm ww2 chindits,preferably vallejo especially any triads anyone has come up with. Thanks in advance

Derek H05 Feb 2011 3:17 p.m. PST


Paul Hurst05 Feb 2011 4:41 p.m. PST

Warlord Games to the rescue – link

Mick in Switzerland06 Feb 2011 4:53 a.m. PST

Some time ago, I was asked about this by somebody who had seen my guides for Artizan and Crusader. I suggested the following:-

British Jungle Uniform 1941-45

Hat (Fedora) English Uniform 70.921,
Hat band Iraqi Sand 70.819,
Uniform Jungle Green Grey 70.886
Webbing Russian Uniform 70.924
Anklets / Gaiters Russian Uniform 70.924
Boots – Soldiers Black 70.950

The main difference to the Warlord guide is in the uniform colour. The uniforms were cotton and faded, so their guide gives an "as new" appearence but mine gives a more used colour. You can add white or cream to both to simulate fading.

Mike F06 Feb 2011 2:22 p.m. PST

Another guide here:

All foundry paints

Jemima Fawr08 Feb 2011 10:53 a.m. PST

It does depend which Chindit operation – the first Chindit Op (Operation 'Longcloth') pre-dates the introduction of manufactured Jungle Green uniform items. Consequently, they were mainly wearing tropical Khaki Drill in that op, possibly supplemented by some home-dyed Jungle Green items.

Even by the second op (Operation Thursday), Jungle Green kit was by no means universal and photos of Chindits at the time show a wide range of shades (as far as black and white photos are any guide).

Webbing would mainly have been the natural yellow-ochre canvas colour. Some webbing was dyed Jungle Green at source, but this was very rare and was somewhat 'late' for the Chindit ops. However, my mate's father (who served with 1 SLI in 7th Indian Division) tells me that it was quite common to paint webbing with green or black vehicle paint.

Commando bergan packs were manufactured in a thin, pinkish canvas, reinforced around the edges with yellow-ochre webbing strips. Later bergans were manufactured with Jungle Green canvas.

Bush hats were reddish-khaki throuhgout (roughly the same colour as temperate Battledress), often wound around with a pugaree in KD or JG.

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