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"Your most fun game characters in miniature" Topic

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28mmMan24 Jan 2011 6:06 p.m. PST

I was inspired by another thread to reconsider past gaming fun and memories being what they are have stuck with me and I need to get them out, so here it is.

I had fond memories of a Gamma World game that stretched on for four years. The following miniatures represent what the character looked like in the game and not the actual miniatures; our miniatures were not as much fun :(

(not everyone could play at a given time due to schedules so this includes the group if we could all meet at the same time)

Joe…a character that started off as a pure strain human and later in the game was nearly killed…his brain/memories/personality was transferred into an android body…he was a bit of a killer and the surgical robotic system purged him of this "defect" with a code against killing that required an activation code (roll) to defeat (a 3-5 on 3D6) if I remember right…but Einstein (another character) converted a death ray into a high yield stun gun
Joe link

Einstein…a human mutant with several mutations that built upon being a super genius with a special talent for modifying technology…short with a big head
Einstein picture

Big Jim…a human mutant, a ogre of a man with great strength and toughness…and a fear of talking animals…carried a couple big guns
Big Jim link

Toad…a mutant toad, with several mutations including gas generation which was always fun, basic humanoid shape and gills
Toad link

A-1…pure strain human raised in a vault by an AI/robots/androids…logical like a vulcan (spock was his muse)…well educated and knowledgeable…trained as a scientist/doctor/engineer
A-1 link (baggy pants fit the player to the T :)

Sgt Major…a mutant dog, pretends to be human, covers his face and wears as much clothing as possible…over active metabolism causes him to eat constantly
Sgt Major link

Ralph…a mutant dog, more werewolf looking, big
Ralph link

Tigger…a mutant leopard, mostly cat than man looking with a prehensile tail, can teleport
Tigger link

Ford…a robot character…looked like a small utility vehicle with a grab/manipulator arm
Ford picture (I failed to find the perfect miniature, but I still search) these are close link picture and GZG has several close starters


Anyway, what did your favorite or top five science fiction gaming character group look like in miniature form?

Battle Miniatures Emporium24 Jan 2011 7:03 p.m. PST

What a fun topic.
I have a few NPC Characters that my Players loved for me to bring into our games from time to time.

From Cyber Punk there was my NPC Monica Brown. link
I had two figures for her. One was her Lady of Night, and the other was her in Kick Butt mode…lol. She was a Bionic Woman for lack of a better description, who worked as an Exotic Dancer as a cover for her Bounty Hunting of entities involved with lost and missing persons.

In Rifts I had two NPC Characters. The first was an Ogre who was an Atlantian Tattooed Monster Hunter.

And my Wolfen Bounty Hunter. I converted this human to Wolfen with the head and tail from some AD&D Wolf model.

Then there was my Shadow Run NPC, an Asian Female Street Samaria.
I sculpted a cute shoulder length Bob-Cut for her hair and put cool shades on her.

There are more of course but these are some of the best, that my old friends still bring up from time to time in conversation.

Kayl MacLaren24 Jan 2011 9:40 p.m. PST

I did this one myself, for my favorite D&D character of all time, Kayl MacLaren: link

Unfortunately, never got to use that one in a game :(

Stealth100025 Jan 2011 1:41 a.m. PST

Fat Bob. A crewman on the good ship serendipity. He was the worst character we had rolled up and got left on the ship each mission. But good old fat Bob saved the day so many times. Each time the crew got in trouble they would call him up and he would come bail them out. We used him in our sci-fi skirmish games using Occult Wars rules.

Easy to spot fat Bob

28mmMan25 Jan 2011 7:09 a.m. PST

Good old fat Bob…always left behind, with the food…uh oh…with the food…oh boy…

richarDISNEY25 Jan 2011 7:41 a.m. PST

For my Star Wars game, I made Cheytou. An orange furred wookie…

28mmMan25 Jan 2011 7:53 a.m. PST

These are fun examples…I would love to see your favorite characters in miniature form, from a group game…the whole gang.

You know, a series of miniatures, one for each of the players from one of your favorite games/campaigns.

And as I did, feel free to use miniatures from today's offerings and not just those from yesteryear.

Looking back, most of my best memories from gaming were focused around the time range of 1980-1995 with a few games that stood out since then. So the miniature choices were quite different then then they are now.

Battle Miniatures Emporium25 Jan 2011 6:31 p.m. PST

I used to collect 40K miniatures in this time. NOT for anything to do with GW…not then, but for use in my Rifts and later on what became Tomorrow Black, games.
Most of the figures looked like cool futuristic guys, like the Eldar Scouts with their hooded coats and gear. Imp Guard. Then Necromunda came out…lol…oh boy! I had EVERYTHING for Necromunda. I used it for my RPG, but then began to play the damn game…lol…then 40K.

Good times back then, and better times ahead…just as soon as I get the first batch of 60 or so models done for MY 15MM RPG Game World.

Covert Walrus25 Jan 2011 9:00 p.m. PST

Not so much SF, but some of my units have . . . Interesting references. :)

I use GZG Deimos chassis tanks and SPGs, old Force XXI Combat Cars with Scotia Rangers as gunners, and Irregular hover jeeps for my main force of Mercenaries in the GZG Universe background. They are a small company strength force commanded by an ex-NAC soldier who served for a short time with a larger private outfit, then she struck out for the outer worlds operating against Phalons mostly; Major Misery Love.

One of my IJN Marines platoons of infantry operate in the field using robot walker support, and are known for wearing dress armour in bright yellow with black stripes on the legs – Many young women in the Japanese colonies and sphere aspire to join The Brides of Frankenstein. Another platoon are specialised for night-fighting using synthetic vision systems and wear bright red armour; The Crimson Bats are often the first into combat.

And finally, the 2nd Royal Marine Brigade from the world of Lancelot have taken the name of their base province on the planet and their position aboard the main flagships of the 7th NAC Fleet, the Knights of Cydonia.

Kayl MacLaren26 Jan 2011 5:54 p.m. PST

To add to the previous, we were using the Vlad Drakov figure (on the left):


For my uncle's fighter, and the figure at the center top:


For the NPC mage that was in our group.

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