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"How Are Your Old Glory 15mm Pirates Coming Along?" Topic

11 Posts

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1,057 hits since 6 May 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

CPBelt07 May 2010 4:52 p.m. PST

Just wondering if anyone has photos of their painted OG 15mm pirates or has any thoughts on painting them. I still haven't worked on mine or the two ships I bought at Cold Wars.

How are you gaming with them? Using 25mm skirmish rules just with smaller figures? Or larger scale battles? If latter, what rules?

Pictors Studio07 May 2010 5:03 p.m. PST

I h aven't even painted my OG late war WWI brits yet. No pirates for me.

Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP07 May 2010 6:39 p.m. PST
2nd set primed but haven't touched them
as of late.
Was thinking of using the Peter pig rules.


I've got 25 year old Mini-Figs I haven't painted yet!
I doubt I'll be getting any 15s.

timurilank07 May 2010 8:26 p.m. PST

What catalogue number are those pirates?

They are not listed at the Old Glory 15s site.

ComradeCommissar07 May 2010 9:28 p.m. PST

Technically they are Blue Moon and are on the OG 25 website.

timurilank07 May 2010 9:41 p.m. PST

Comarade Commissar, thanks for the intelligence.

Cacique Caribe08 May 2010 12:57 a.m. PST
CPBelt08 May 2010 4:26 a.m. PST

Ooops, I keeo calling them Old Glory. Thanks for clarifying Blue Moon!

I keep debating if I'd rather just stick to 25mm pirates rather than launch into painting my 15s.

Cacique Caribe09 May 2010 4:11 p.m. PST

I'm about to start painting my Blue Moon Pirates, along with the Tripoli Pirates I got from Thoroughbred:


I hope to get them all finished in a couple of weeks.

If all goes well, mine will come out half as nice as these (done by D6 Junkie):

TMP link


Luckyjoe10 May 2010 5:07 a.m. PST

I haven't got much painting done on the minis, yet. I did manage to get 8 of the European crew set done as a Royal Navy crew for Legends of the High Seas. I hope to paint some Privateers this week. And my son has started some of the Pirates.

I did get a lot done on my Harbor board and Spanish village using the Gary Chalk plans from Wargames Illustrated. Got a Church, fort, Governor's mansion, and some houses, as well as a pier and a couple of hills, and also starting on some vegetation. So overall, good progress.

Intending to use them for LOTHS, just reducing scale. Might also try Limeys and Slimeys.

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